Remove deprecated TaintedString usage.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2022-01-21 18:07:21 -06:00
parent 57bb7302b1
commit 224818f3c7
2 changed files with 14 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Package
version = "0.6.5"
version = "0.7.0"
author = "Jonathan Bernard"
description = "Helper functions for writing command line interfaces."
license = "MIT"
# Dependencies
requires @["nim >= 0.19.0", "docopt >= 0.6.8"]
requires @["nim >= 1.6.0", "docopt >= 0.6.8"]

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@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
import osproc, sequtils, streams, strtabs
import osproc, streams, strtabs, strutils
## Process execution
type HandleProcMsgCB* = proc (outMsg: TaintedString,
errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void
type HandleProcMsgCB* = proc (outMsg: string, errMsg: string, cmd: string): void
proc sendMsg*(h: HandleProcMsgCB, outMsg: TaintedString,
errMsg: TaintedString = "", cmd: string = ""): void =
proc sendMsg*(h: HandleProcMsgCB, outMsg: string,
errMsg: string = "", cmd: string = ""): void =
if h != nil: h(outMsg, errMsg, cmd)
proc makeProcMsgHandler*(outSink, errSink: File, prefixCmd: bool = true): HandleProcMsgCB =
result = proc(outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
result = proc(outMsg, errMsg: string, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
let prefix = if cmd.len == 0 or not prefixCmd: "" else: cmd & ": "
if outMsg.len > 0: outSink.writeLine(prefix & outMsg)
if errMsg.len > 0: errSink.writeLine(prefix & errMsg)
proc makeProcMsgHandler*(outSink, errSink: Stream, prefixCmd: bool = true): HandleProcMsgCB =
result = proc(outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
result = proc(outMsg, errMsg: string, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
let prefix = if cmd.len == 0 or not prefixCmd: "" else: cmd & ": "
if outMsg.len > 0: outSink.writeLine(prefix & outMsg)
if errMsg.len > 0: errSink.writeLine(prefix & errMsg)
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ proc combineProcMsgHandlers*(a, b: HandleProcMsgCB): HandleProcMsgCB =
if a == nil: result = b
elif b == nil: result = a
result = proc(cmd: string, outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString): void =
result = proc(cmd: string, outMsg, errMsg: string): void =
a(cmd, outMsg, errMsg)
b(cmd, outMsg, errMsg)
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ proc waitFor*(p: Process, msgCB: HandleProcMsgCB, procCmd: string = ""): int =
var pout = outputStream(p)
var perr = errorStream(p)
var line = newStringOfCap(120).TaintedString
var line = newStringOfCap(120)
while true:
if pout.readLine(line):
msgCB.sendMsg(line, "", procCmd)
@ -57,13 +56,13 @@ proc execWithOutput*(command: string, workingDir:string = "",
args: openArray[string] = [], env: StringTableRef = nil,
options: set[ProcessOption] = {poUsePath},
msgCB: HandleProcMsgCB = nil):
tuple[output, error: TaintedString, exitCode: int] =
tuple[output, error: string, exitCode: int] =
result = (TaintedString"", TaintedString"", -1)
var outSeq, errSeq: seq[TaintedString]
result = ("", "", -1)
var outSeq, errSeq: seq[string]
outSeq = @[]; errSeq = @[]
let outputCollector = combineProcMsgHandlers(msgCB,
proc(outMsg, errMsg: TaintedString, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
proc(outMsg, errMsg: string, cmd: string): void {.closure.} =
if outMsg.len > 0: outSeq.add(outMsg)
if errMsg.len > 0: errSeq.add(errMsg))