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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Directory Listing</title>
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<div id=loading><img src=/img/gears.svg /></div>
<div id=navigation class=hidden></div>
<div id=listing class=hidden>
<table class='row-border compact hover'>
<th class=dt-left>Name</th>
<th class=dt-left>Size</th>
<th class=dt-left>Last Modified</th>
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<script type=application/javascript>
var s3BucketUrl = 'http://newlifeintroband.jdbernard.com.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com';
window.onload = function() {
.then(function(listingInfo) { return render(listingInfo); })
.then(function(listingInfo) {
$('#listing, #navigation').removeClass('hidden');
var title = listingInfo.prefix.split('/');
if (title.length > 1) {
document.title = title[title.length - 2] + " Directory Listing";
function loadBucketListing(prevInfo) {
return $.get(makeS3Url())
.then(function(data) {
var info = getInfoFromS3Data($(data));
if (prevInfo) {
info.directories = prevInfo.directories.concat(info.directories);
info.files = prevInfo.files.concat(info.files);
if (info.nextMarker) return loadBucketListing(info);
else return info;
function makeS3Url(marker) {
var s3Url = s3BucketUrl + '?delimiter=/&prefix=' + location.pathname.substr(1);
if (marker) s3Url += '&marker=' + marker;
return s3Url;
function getInfoFromS3Data(xml) {
var prefix = $(xml.find('Prefix')[0]).text();
var files = $.map(xml.find('Contents'), function(item) {
item = $(item);
var key = item.find('Key').text();
return {
Key: key,
Name: key.substr(prefix.length),
LastModified: moment(item.find('LastModified').text()).format('lll'),
Size: bytesToHumanReadable(item.find('Size').text()),
Type: 'file'
var directories = $.map(xml.find('CommonPrefixes'), function(item) {
item = $(item);
var key = item.find('Prefix').text();
return {
Key: key,
Name: key.substr(prefix.length),
LastModified: '',
Size: '',
Type: 'directory'
if ($(xml.find('IsTruncated')[0]).text() == 'true') {
var nextMarker = $(xml.find('NextMarker')[0]).text();
} else {
var nextMarker = null;
return {
files: files,
directories: directories,
prefix: prefix,
nextMarker: nextMarker ? encodeURIComponent(nextMarker) : null
function bytesToHumanReadable(sizeInBytes) {
var i = -1;
var units = [' kB', ' MB', ' GB'];
do {
sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes / 1024;
} while (sizeInBytes > 1024);
return Math.max(sizeInBytes, 0.1).toFixed(1) + units[i];
function render(dirInfo) {
var navParts = [];
var pathItems = dirInfo.prefix.split('/').reverse();
var backPath = "../";
pathItems.forEach(function(p) {
if (!p) return;
navParts.unshift("<a href='" + backPath + p + "'>" + p + "</a>");
backPath += "../"; });
navParts.unshift("<a href='/'>New Life Intro. Band</a>");
$("#navigation").html(navParts.join(' > '));
dirInfo.directories.forEach(function(d) {
$("#listing tbody").append(renderRow(d)); });
dirInfo.files.forEach(function(f) {
$("#listing tbody").append(renderRow(f)); });
$("#listing table").DataTable({
autoWidth: false,
paging: false,
info: false
return dirInfo;
function renderRow(item) {
if (item.Name == 'index.html' || item.Name.trim() == '') return "";
var row = "<tr>";
if (item.Type == 'directory' || item.Name.endsWith('.html')) {
row += "<td><a href='" + item.Name + "'>" + item.Name + "</a></td>"; }
else {
row += "<td><a href='" + s3BucketUrl + "/" + encodeURIComponent(item.Key) + "'>" +
item.Name + "</a></td>"; }
return row +
"<td>" + item.Size + "</td>" +
"<td>" + item.LastModified + "</td>" +
<footer>Banged together in a day by <a href=https://github.com/jdbernard>Jonathan Bernard</a>.</footer>