Internal links are not smart enough about cross-file linking. ============================================================= There are two main problems with internal linking as it works now: 1. The links are resolved relative to the directory of the file being processed when they should be resolved relative to the root output directory. For example, consider ``@org id1`` defined in ``dir/file1.src``, then referenced in ``dir/file2.src`` in this manner: ``[link](jlp://id1``. The url written in ``dir/file2.html`` is ``dir/file1.html#id1``. However, when the page is viewed, this url is interpreted relative to the directory of the current page. So if the docs live at ``file:///docs`` then the url will resolve to ``file:///docs/dir/dir/file1.src#id1`` instead of ``file:///docs/dir/file1.html#id1``. 2. The links do substitute the ``html`` suffix to the file names in place of the files' suffixes. In the above example note that the actual urls end in ``.src`` like the original input files, but the expected url ends in ``.html``. ========= ========== Created: 2011-09-08 Resolved: 2011-09-09 ========= ==========