* Added logging with SLF4J and Logback
* Added `--version` option.
* Mofidied the input file rules. When an input object is a directory, JLPMain is
adding all the files in that directory and its subdirectories. Now JLPMain is
ignoring hidden files in the directory and subdirs. A file named explicitly on
the command line is still included regardless of if it is hidden or not.
* Documentation continues.
* Upgraded build common to version 1.9.
* Updated the release target in build.xml to take advantage of the new features
of common build 1.9. The release target now copies over the libs and release
* JLPMain now recognises directories in it's input list. It will add all the
files in a given directory to the input list (including files in abitrarily
nested subdirectories).
* Abstracted the parser behavior further. Processor no longer needs to know
about Parboiled ParseRunners and can use non-Parboiled parsers.
* Created the JLPParser interface to support the new parser abstraction.
* JLPPegParser implements the new interface trivially by creating it's own parse
runner and calling it with the input given.
* Added MarkdownParser, which does not actually parse the file, just creates the
bare-bones SourceFile object needed for the generator to emit the Markdown
* Added support for multi-line comments to the JLPPegParser grammar
* Added a Java sample file.
* Updated test script to add convenience functions for the java test file and
for using a TracingParseRunner for parse runs.
* Added an option, `--css-file`, to allow the caller to specify their own css
* Added basic logic to the Processor class to detect source file types and build
a parser and a generator for that source type. Support currently exists for
the following languages: C (.c, .h), C++ (.cpp, .c++, .hpp, .h++), Erlang
(.erl), Groovy (.groovy), Java (.java), JavaScript (.js).
* The generators originally had two phases, *parse* and *emit*. The *parse*
phase allowed the generator to walk the AST for every document noting things
it would need when emitting output. So the *parse* phase looked over every
input document before the *emit* phase ran. During the refactor this changed
and for each file the *emit* phase was running immediately after the *parse*
phase, when it should have been run only after all inputs had been through the
*parse* phase.
* Fixed a type in the ``LiterateMarkdownGenerator``: an extra '`/`' was being
inserted into the url for link targets.
* Refactored the overall process flow. Instead of ``JLPMain`` handling the
process, it now reads the command line options and defers to ``Processor`` to
handle the actual process. The ``Processor`` instance is responsible for
processing one batch of input files and holds all the state that is common to
this process.
* ``JLPBaseGenerator`` and generators based on it are now only responsible for
handling one file, generating output from a source AST. As a consequence
state that is common to the overall process is no longer stored in the
generator but is stored on the ``Processor`` instance, which is exposed to the
* Generators can now be instantiated directly (instead of having just a public
static method) and are no longer one-time use. Now the life of a generator is
expected to be the same as the life of the ``Processor``.
* Fixed inter-doc link behaviour.
* Created some data classes to replace the ad-hoc maps used to store state in
the generator (now in the ``Processor``)
* `relative-path-root` option added. This facilitates situations where the
current directory of the invocation context is different than the working
directory of the program. This is required to use `jlp` with tools like
*Nailgun*, which keeps a persistant `java` process running and proxies new
invocations to the existing process.