Started documenting JLP with JLP.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
Jonathan's Literate Programming
# Overview
*Jonathan's Literate Programming* is my take on literate programming.
This project grew out of a desire for a documentation system that:
* generates all documentation from source-code comments,
@ -8,3 +7,75 @@ This project grew out of a desire for a documentation system that:
literate programming style of documentation,
* has pluggable formatting (default to Markdown),
It is inspired by Donald Knuth's concept of literate programming, as well as
the Docco system. I wanted something that provided the readability of Docco
but was more full-featured. To that end, JLP currently features:
* *Documentation alongside code, distinct from normal comments.*
JLP uses a javadoc-like extra delimiter to seperate normal comments from
JLP comments.
* *Support for multiple languages out of the box.*
JLP allows you to define custom comment delimiters for any language that
supports single-line or multi-line comments. It comes configured with
default settings for several languages. Ultimately I hope to cover most
of the common programming languages.
This project is in its infancy and some of the larger goals are still unmet:
* *Syntax highligting.*
All code blocks will be highlighted according to the language they are
written in.
* *Code awareness.*
JLP will understand the code it is processing. This will require building
a parser for each supported language. By doing so JLP will be able to
generate javadoc-style API documentation intelligently, and allow the
author to reference code features in a native way (think javadoc @link
but more generic).
* *Documentation Directives*
Generally I want documentation to conform to code, not code to
documentation, but I think some processing directives to JLP (how to
combine several files into one, or split one in to many for example)
would be useful.
In the same line of thought, it would be usefull to be able to switch
the presentation layer of the documentation system depending on the type
of file being displayed. For example, interface definitions and core
pieces of the API may work better with a side-by-side layout whereas
implementation details may work better in an interleaved layout.
JLP processing directives would allow the author to specify which is
intended on a file (or block?) level.
# Project Architecture
## Control and Flow
* [JLPMain](jlp://
The entry point to the JLP executable. Parses the command line input and
sets up the processor.
* [Processor](jlp://
The Processor processes one batch of input files to create a set of output files.
It holds the intermediate state needed by the generators and coordinates the
work of the parsers and generators for each of the input files.
## Parsing
* [JLPParser](jlp://
A very simple interface for parsing JLP input.
## Abstract Syntax Tree
* [SourceFile](jlp://
The top-level AST element. This represents a source file.
@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ line with the general nature of delimited comment blocks, which do not place
any restrictions on what comes before the start delimiter or after the end
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Created: 2011-09-07
Resolved: YYYY-MM-DD
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========= ===================
Created : 2011-09-07
Resolved: 2011-12-25T23:26:07
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Fix delimited doc block behavior.
Delimited doc blocks require that the start token be the first non-space token
on the line it is on and that the end token be on it's own line. This is not in
line with the general nature of delimited comment blocks, which do not place
any restrictions on what comes before the start delimiter or after the end
========= ==========
Created: 2011-09-07
Resolved: YYYY-MM-DD
========= ==========
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Encode Documentation and Code Characters for HTML
The text of the documentation and the code is not being HTML encoded,
so some characters (most notably `<`) are causing wierd display issues
in the resulting output.
======== ===================
Created: 2011-12-26T00:43:44
======== ===================
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#Sun, 25 Dec 2011 23:07:02 -0600
#Sun, 25 Dec 2011 23:23:16 -0600
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ table td {
outline: 0; }
||||, {
max-width: 450px;
max-width: 600px;
min-width: 450px;
min-height: 5pc;
padding: 10px 25px 1px 50px;
@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
* @author Jonathan Bernard (
* @copyright JDB Labs 2010-2011
package com.jdblabs.jlp
import com.jdblabs.jlp.ast.*
import java.util.List
import java.util.Map
* @org
public abstract class JLPBaseGenerator {
protected Processor processor
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
* @author Jonathan Bernard
* @copyright JDB Labs 2010-2011
package com.jdblabs.jlp
import com.jdblabs.jlp.ast.ASTNode
@ -5,11 +9,18 @@ import com.jdblabs.jlp.ast.SourceFile
import org.parboiled.Parboiled
import org.parboiled.parserunners.ReportingParseRunner
* @api JLPMain is the entrypoint for the system. It is responsible for parsing
* the command-line options and invoking the Processor.
* @org
public class JLPMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create command-line parser
/// #### Define command-line options.
/// We are using the Groovy wrapper around the Apache Commons CLI
/// library.
CliBuilder cli = new CliBuilder(
usage: 'jlp [options] <src-file> <src-file> ...')
@ -23,78 +34,91 @@ public class JLPMain {
cli._(longOpt: 'relative-path-root', args: 1, required: false,
'Resolve all relative paths against this root.')
// parse options
/// #### Parse the options.
def opts = cli.parse(args)
// display help if requested
/// Display help if requested.
if (opts.h) {
return }
// get the relative path root (or set to current directory if not given)
/// Get the relative path root (or set to current directory if it was
/// not given)
def pathRoot = new File(opts."relative-path-root" ?: ".")
// fail if our root is non-existant
/// If our root is non-existant we will print an error and exit.. This
/// is possible if a relative path root was passed as an option.
if (!pathRoot.exists() || !pathRoot.isDirectory()) {
System.err.println "'${pathRoot.path}' is not a valid directory."
System.exit(1) }
// get the output directory and create it if necessary
/// Get the output directory, either from the command line or by
/// default.
def outputDir = opts.o ? new File(opts.o) : new File("jlp-docs")
// resolve the output directory against our relative root
/// Resolve the output directory against our relative root
if (!outputDir.isAbsolute()) {
outputDir = new File(pathRoot, outputDir.path) }
// create the output directory if it does not exist
/// Create the output directory if it does not exist.
if (!outputDir.exists()) outputDir.mkdirs()
// get the CSS theme to use. We will start by assuming the default will
// be used.
/// Get the CSS theme to use. We will start by assuming the default will
/// be used.
def css = JLPMain.class.getResourceAsStream("/jlp.css")
// If the CSS file was specified on the command-line, let's look for it.
/// If the CSS file was specified on the command-line, let's look for it.
if (opts.'css-file') {
def cssFile = new File(opts.'css-file')
// resolve against our relative root
/// Resolve the file against our relative root.
if (!cssFile.isAbsolute()) {
cssFile = new File(pathRoot, cssFile.path) }
// Finally, make sure the file actually exists.
/// Finally, make sure the CSS file actually exists.
if (cssFile.exists()) { css = cssFile }
/// If it does not, we are going to warn the user and keep the
/// default.
else {
println "WARN: Could not fine the custom CSS file: '" +
println " Using the default CSS." }}
// Extract the text from our css source (either an InputStream or a
// File)
/// Extract the text from our css source (either an InputStream or a
/// File)
css = css.text
// get files passed in
/// #### Create the input file list.
/// We will start with the filenames passed as arguments on the command
/// line.
def filenames = opts.getArgs()
def inputFiles = []
filenames.each { filename ->
// create a File object
File file = new File(filename)
// if this is a relative path, resolve it against our path root
/// For each filename we try to resolve it to an actual file
/// relative to our root.
File file = new File(filename)
if (!file.isAbsolute()) { file = new File(pathRoot, filename) }
// if this file does not exist, warn the user and skip it
/// If this file does not exist, warn the user and skip it.
if (!file.exists()) {
"'${file.canonicalPath}' does not exist: ignored.")
return }
// if this file is a directory, add all the files in it (recurse
// into sub-directories and add their contents as well).
/// If this file is a directory, we want to add all the files in it
/// to our input list, recursing into all the subdirectories and
/// adding their files as well.
if (file.isDirectory()) { file.eachFileRecurse {
if (it.isFile()) { inputFiles << it }}}
/// Not a directory, just add the file.
else { inputFiles << file } }
/// #### Process the files.
Processor.process(outputDir, css, inputFiles)
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
* @author Jonathan Bernard (
* @copyright JDB Labs 2010-2011
package com.jdblabs.jlp
import com.jdblabs.jlp.ast.*
@ -8,6 +12,9 @@ import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor
import java.util.List
* @org
public class LiterateMarkdownGenerator extends JLPBaseGenerator {
protected PegDownProcessor pegdown
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
* @author Jonathan Bernard
* @copyright JDB Labs 2010-2011
package com.jdblabs.jlp
import org.parboiled.BaseParser
@ -7,106 +11,142 @@ import org.parboiled.Parboiled
* Processor processes one batch of input files to create a set of output files.
* It holds the intermediate state needed by the generators and coordinates the
* work of the parsers and generators for each of the input files.
* @org
public class Processor {
/// ### Public State
/// @org
/// A map of all the link anchors defined in the documents.
public Map<String, LinkAnchor> linkAnchors = [:]
/// A map of all the documents being processed.
public Map<String, TargetDoc> docs = [:]
/// The id of the document currently being processed.
public String currentDocId = null
/// The root of the input path.
public File inputRoot
/// The root of the output path.
public File outputRoot
/// The CSS that will be used for the resulting HTML documents. Note that
/// this is the CSS file contents, not the name of a CSS file.
public String css
// shortcut for docs[currentDocId]
/// A shortcut for `docs[currentDocId]`
public TargetDoc currentDoc
/// ### Non-public State
/// @org
/// Maps of all the parsers and generators by input file type. Parsers and
/// generators are both safe for re-use within a single thread, so we cache
/// them here.
protected Map<String, JLPParser> parsers = [:]
protected Map<String, JLPBaseGenerator> generators = [:]
/// ### Public Methods.
/// @org
* #### Processor.process
* @org
* @api Process the input files given, writing the resulting documentation
* to the directory named in `outputDir`, using the CSS given in `css`
public static void process(File outputDir, String css,
List<File> inputFiles) {
// find the closest common parent folder to all of the files
/// Find the closest common parent folder to all of the files given.
/// This will be our input root for the parsing process.
File inputDir = inputFiles.inject(inputFiles[0]) { commonRoot, file ->
getCommonParent(commonRoot, file) }
// create our processor instance
/// Create an instance of this class with the options given.
Processor inst = new Processor(
inputRoot: inputDir,
outputRoot: outputDir,
css: css)
// run the process
/// Run the process.
inst.process(inputFiles) }
/// ### Non-Public implementation methods.
/// @org
* #### process
* @org
protected void process(inputFiles) {
// Remember that the data for the processing run was initialized by the
// constructor.
/// Remember that the data for the processing run was initialized by the
/// constructor.
/// * Create the processing context for each input file. We are using
/// the relative path of the file as the document id.
inputFiles.each { file ->
// set the current doc id
def docId = getRelativeFilepath(inputRoot, file)
// create the processing context for this file
docs[docId] = new TargetDoc(sourceFile: file) }
// Parse the input files.
/// * Run the parse phase on each of the files. For each file, we load
/// the parser for that file type and parse the file into an abstract
/// syntax tree (AST).
processDocs {
// TODO: add logic to configure or autodetect the correct parser for
// each file
def parser = getParser(sourceTypeForFile(currentDoc.sourceFile))
// TODO: error detection
currentDoc.sourceAST = parser.parse(currentDoc.sourceFile.text) }
// run our generator parse phase (first pass over the ASTs)
/// * Run our generator parse phase (see
/// jlp://com.jdb-labs.jlp.JLPBaseGenerator/phases for an explanation
/// of the generator phases).
processDocs {
// TODO: add logic to configure or autodetect the correct generator
// for each file
def generator =
def generator = getGenerator(sourceTypeForFile(currentDoc.sourceFile))
// TODO: error detection
generator.parse(currentDoc.sourceAST) }
// Second pass by the generators, create output.
/// * Second pass by the generators, the emit phase.
processDocs {
// TODO: add logic to configure or autodetect the correct generator
// for each file
def generator =
def generator = getGenerator(sourceTypeForFile(currentDoc.sourceFile))
currentDoc.output = generator.emit(currentDoc.sourceAST) }
// Write the output to the output directory
/// * Write the output to the output directory.
processDocs {
// create the path to the output file
/// Create the path and file object for the output file
String relativePath =
getRelativeFilepath(inputRoot, currentDoc.sourceFile)
File outputFile = new File(outputRoot, relativePath + ".html")
File outputDir = outputFile.parentFile
// create the directory if need be
/// Create the directory for this file if it does not exist.
if (!outputDir.exists()) { outputDir.mkdirs() }
// write the css file if it does not exist
/// Write the CSS file if it does not exist.
File cssFile = new File(outputDir, "jlp.css")
if (!cssFile.exists()) { cssFile.withWriter{ it.println css } }
// Copy the source file over
/// Copy the source file over.
// TODO: make this behavior customizable.
(new File(outputRoot, relativePath)).withWriter {
it.print currentDoc.sourceFile.text }
// Write the output to the file.
/// Write the output to the file.
outputFile.withWriter { it.println currentDoc.output } } }
* #### processDocs
* A helper method to walk over every document the processor is aware of,
* setting up the `currentDocId` and `currentDoc` variables before calling
* the given closure.
* @org
protected def processDocs(Closure c) {
docs.each { docId, doc ->
currentDocId = docId
@ -115,33 +155,41 @@ public class Processor {
return c() } }
* #### getRelativeFilepath
* Assuming our current directory is `root`, get the relative path to
* `file`.
* @org
public static String getRelativeFilepath(File root, File file) {
// make sure our root is a directory
/// Make sure our root is a directory
if (!root.isDirectory()) root= root.parentFile
/// Split both paths into their individual parts.
def rootPath = root.canonicalPath.split('/')
def filePath = file.canonicalPath.split('/')
def relativePath = []
// find the point of divergence in the two paths
/// Find the point of divergence in the two paths by walking down their
/// parts until we find a pair that do not match.
int i = 0
while (i < Math.min(rootPath.length, filePath.length) &&
rootPath[i] == filePath[i]) { i++ }
// backtrack from our root to our common parent directory
/// Backtrack from our root to our newly-found common parent directory.
(i..<rootPath.length).each { relativePath << ".." }
// add the path from our common parent directory to our file
/// Add the remainder of the path from our common parent directory to
/// our file.
(i..<filePath.length).each { j -> relativePath << filePath[j] }
/// Reconstitute the parts into one string.
return relativePath.join('/') }
* #### getCommonParent
* Find the common parent directory to the given files.
* @org
public static File getCommonParent(File file1, File file2) {
def path1 = file1.canonicalPath.split('/')
@ -158,13 +206,23 @@ public class Processor {
return new File(newPath.join('/')) }
* #### sourceTypeForFile
* Lookup the source type for a given file. We do a lookup based on the file
* extension for file types we recognize.
* @org
public static sourceTypeForFile(File sourceFile) {
/// First we need to find the file extension.
String extension
def nameParts =\./)
/// If there is no extension, then this is a binary file.
if (nameParts.length == 1) { return 'binary' }
else { extension = nameParts[-1] }
/// Lookup the file type by extension
switch (extension) {
case 'c': case 'h': return 'c';
case 'c++': case 'h++': case 'cpp': case 'hpp': return 'c++';
@ -175,17 +233,33 @@ public class Processor {
case 'md': return 'markdown';
default: return 'unknown'; }}
* #### getGenerator
* Get a generator for the given source file type.
* @org
protected getGenerator(String sourceType) {
/// We lazily create the generators.
if (generators[sourceType] == null) {
switch(sourceType) {
/// So far, all languages are using the vanilla
generators[sourceType] =
new LiterateMarkdownGenerator(this) }}
return generators[sourceType] }
* #### getParser
* Get a parser for the given source file type.
* @org
protected getParser(String sourceType) {
/// We are lazily loading the parsers also.
if (parsers[sourceType] == null) {
/// We do have different parsers for different languages.
switch(sourceType) {
case 'erlang':
parsers[sourceType] = Parboiled.createParser(
@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
* @author Jonathan Bernard
* @copyright JDB Labs 2010-2011
package com.jdblabs.jlp.ast
* The top-level AST element. This represents a source file.
* @org
public class SourceFile {
public List<ASTNode> blocks = []
public def codeAST
Reference in New Issue
Block a user