Working on a literate generator similar to Docco.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,28 +3,36 @@ import org.parboiled.Parboiled
import org.parboiled.parserunners.ReportingParseRunner
import org.parboiled.parserunners.RecoveringParseRunner
parser = Parboiled.createParser(JLPPegParser.class)
parseRunner = new RecoveringParseRunner(parser.SourceFile())
makeParser = {
println "Making the standard parser."
println "---------------------------"
parser = Parboiled.createParser(JLPPegParser.class)
parseRunner = new ReportingParseRunner(parser.SourceFile())
makeExperimentalParser = {
println "Making the experimental parser."
println "-------------------------------"
parser = Parboiled.createParser(com.jdblabs.jlp.experimental.JLPPegParser.class)
parseRunner = new ReportingParseRunner(parser.SourceFile())
simpleTest = {
"Parsing the simple test into 'result'.\n" +
println "Parsing the simple test into 'result'."
println "--------------------------------------"
testLine = """%% This the first test line.
%% Second Line
%% Third Line
Fourth line
%% Third Line \n\n Fifth line \n\n %% Seventh line \n\n
%% @author Eigth Line
%% @Example Ninth Line
%% Markdown lines (tenth line)
%% Still markdown (eleventh line)
Twelfth line is a code line"""
%% Sixth line
%% @author Seventh Line
%% @Example Eigth Line
%% Markdown lines (ninth line)
%% Still markdown (tenth line)
Eleventh line is a code line
simpleResult =
vbsTest = {
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
% vbs_db_records.erl
%% @author Jonathan Bernard <>
%% #copyright 2010-2011 JDB Labs Inc.
%% @copyright 2010-2011 JDB Labs Inc.
%% @doc
%% The VBS database API is centered around the data records:
%% * Tables are named after the records. ``vbs_adult`` records are stored in
@ -15,30 +14,30 @@
%% #Record Definitions
%% Here are the record definitions:
%% @doc Information about an adult in the VBS system.
%% @api Information about an adult in the VBS system.
%% @org records/vbs_adult
-record(vbs_adult, {
%% @doc A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and
%% @api A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and
%% the table's primary key
%% @org records/vbs_adult/id
%% @doc A unique full name.
%% @api A unique full name.
%% @example "John Smith", "Fae Alice McDonald"
%% @org records/vbs_adult/name
%% @doc The adult's age (optional).
%% @api The adult's age (optional).
%% @org records/vbs_adult/age
age = 0,
%% @doc A list of phone numbers (strings).
%% @api A list of phone numbers (strings).
%% @example ["512-555-1155", "123-456-7890"]
%% @org records/vbs_adult/phone_numbers
%% @doc The adult's address (optional). There is not pre-defined format,
%% @api The adult's address (optional). There is not pre-defined format,
%% this is a string that can be formatted s desired (linebreaks are ok,
%% for example).
%% @example
@ -48,28 +47,28 @@
%% @org records/vbs_adult/address
address = "",
%% @doc The adult's email address as a string.
%% @api The adult's email address as a string.
%% @example ""
%% @org records/vbs_adult/email
email = ""}).
%% @doc An entry recording a person's attendance.
%% @api An entry recording a person's attendance.
%% @org records/vbs_attendance
-record(vbs_attendance, {
%% @doc A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and the
%% @api A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and the
%% table's primary key.
%% @org records/vbs_attendance/id
%% @doc The id of person who attended. This is a foreign key onto either the
%% @api The id of person who attended. This is a foreign key onto either the
%% [`vbs_worker`](jlp://records/vbs_worker) or
%% [`vbs_child`](jlp://records/vbs_child) table, depending on the value of
%% the [`person_type`](jlp://records/vbs_attendance/person_type) field.
%% @org records/vbs_attendance/person_id
%% @doc The type of person who attended. This determines which table the
%% @api The type of person who attended. This determines which table the
%% [`person_id`](jlp://records/vbs_attendance/person_id) links on. The
%% possible values and the corresponding link tables are:
@ -81,23 +80,23 @@
%% @org records/vbs_attendance/person_type
%% @doc The date of attendance, stored as {Year, Month, Day}.
%% @api The date of attendance, stored as {Year, Month, Day}.
%% @example {2011, 6, 14}
%% @org records/vbs_attendance/date
date = {1900, 1, 1},
%% @doc A timestamp taken when the person was signed in, stored as
%% @api A timestamp taken when the person was signed in, stored as
%% {Hour, Minute, Second}
%% @example {5, 22, 13}
%% @org records/vbs_attendance/sign_in
sign_in = false, % {hour, minute, second}
%% @doc A timestamp taken when the person is signed out, stored as
%% @api A timestamp taken when the person is signed out, stored as
%% {Hour, Minute, Second}
%% @org records/vbs_attendance/sign_out
sign_out = false, % {hour, minute, second}
%% @doc A list of {Key, Value} pairs that can be used to store additional
%% @api A list of {Key, Value} pairs that can be used to store additional
%% information. This is intended to allow callers to store optional data,
%% or client-specific data, without having to alter the database schema.
%% When working with `vbs_attendance` records, a caller should ignore
@ -105,196 +104,196 @@
%% @org records/vbs_attendance/ext_data
ext_data = [],
%% @doc Any comments for the day about this person.
%% @api Any comments for the day about this person.
%% @org records/vbs_attendance/comments
comments = ""}).
%% @doc Information about a child in the VBS program.
%% @api Information about a child in the VBS program.
%% @org records/vbs_child
-record(vbs_child, {
%% @doc A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and the
%% @api A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and the
%% table's primary key.
%% @org records/vbs_child/id
%% @doc The id of the crew to which this child has been assigned. This is a
%% @api The id of the crew to which this child has been assigned. This is a
%% foreign key linking to a [``](jlp://records/vbs_crew/id).
%% @org records/vbs_child/crew_id
%% @doc The child's full name.
%% @api The child's full name.
%% @example "Mary Scott", "Gregory Brown"
%% @org records/vbs_child/name
%% @doc The child's date of birth, stored as {Year, Month, Day}
%% @api The child's date of birth, stored as {Year, Month, Day}
%% @example {1998, 12, 22}
%% @org records/vbs_child/date_of_birth
%% @doc The child's gender, either `male` or `female`
%% @api The child's gender, either `male` or `female`
%% @org records/vbs_child/gender
%% @doc The child's grade level in school.
%% @api The child's grade level in school.
%% @org records/vbs_child/grade
%% @doc A list of ids representing the child's legal guardians. These link
%% @api A list of ids representing the child's legal guardians. These link
%% the child record to adult records by the
%% [``](jlp://records/vbs_adult/id)
%% @example [4, 5]
%% @org records/vbs_child/guardian_ids
%% @doc A list of ids, similar to `guardian_ids`, but representing the
%% @api A list of ids, similar to `guardian_ids`, but representing the
%% adults that are allowed to pick the children up. These link the child
%% record to adult records by
%% ['`](jlp://records/vbs_adult/id).
%% @org records/vbs_child/pickup_ids
%% @doc A list of ids, similar to `guardian_ids` and `pickup_ids`, but
%% @api A list of ids, similar to `guardian_ids` and `pickup_ids`, but
%% representing adults that should be contacted if there is an emergency
%% involving this child (injury, for example). These link the child record
%% to adult records by [``](jlp://records/vbs_adult/id).
%% @org records/vbs_child/emerency_ids
%% @doc The child's home church, usually used if they are not a member of
%% @api The child's home church, usually used if they are not a member of
%% the hosting church.
%% @org records/vbs_child/home_church
%% @doc If this child is a visitor, this is used to track who invited them,
%% @api If this child is a visitor, this is used to track who invited them,
%% or who brought them.
%% @org records/vbs_child/visitor_of
%% @doc Answers the question: Is this child a visitor? Valid values are
%% @api Answers the question: Is this child a visitor? Valid values are
%% `true` and `false`.
%% @org records/vbs_child/is_visitor
%% @doc The date the child registered, stored as {Year, Month, Day}
%% @api The date the child registered, stored as {Year, Month, Day}
%% @org records/vbs_child/registration_date
%% @doc The child's shirt size, stored as a string.
%% @api The child's shirt size, stored as a string.
%% @org records/vbs_child/shirt_size
%% @doc Any special needs this child has that should be accomodated.
%% @api Any special needs this child has that should be accomodated.
%% @org records/vbs_child/special_needs
%% @doc Any known allergies this child has.
%% @api Any known allergies this child has.
%% @org records/vbs_child/allergies
%% @doc Additional comments about this child.
%% @api Additional comments about this child.
%% @org records/vbs_child/comments
%% @doc Information about a crew in the VBS system.
%% @api Information about a crew in the VBS system.
%% @org records/vbs_crew
-record(vbs_crew, {
%% @doc A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and the
%% @api A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and the
%% table's primary key.
%% @org records/vbs_crew/id
id, % primary key
%% @doc The crew number.
%% @api The crew number.
%% @org records/vbs_crew/number
%% @doc The crew type. This is a foreign key on
%% @api The crew type. This is a foreign key on
%% [``](jlp://records/vbs_crew_type/id).
%% @org records/vbs_crew/crew_type_id
crew_type_id, % foreign key onto crew_type
%% @doc The name of the crew, stored as a string.
%% @api The name of the crew, stored as a string.
%% @org records/vbs_crew/name
%% @doc Any comments about the crew.
%% @api Any comments about the crew.
%% @org records/vbs_crew/comments
comments = ""}).
%% @doc Information about a crew type. Crew types are often used when a VBS
%% @api Information about a crew type. Crew types are often used when a VBS
%% program has seperate activities set up for different types of children
%% (usually based on age). For example, having two type: Elementary and Pre-K
%% is common when there is a seperate set of activities for smaller children.
%% @org records/vbs_crew_type
-record(vbs_crew_type, {
%% @doc A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and the
%% @api A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and the
%% table's primary key.
%% @org records/vbs_crew_type/id
%% @doc The displayed name of the crew type.
%% @api The displayed name of the crew type.
%% @org records/vbs_crew_type/name
%% @doc The id counter records are used to keep track of the next valid id for a
%% @api The id counter records are used to keep track of the next valid id for a
%% specific purpose. This is how the unique id fields in other records is
%% implmented.
%% @org records/vbs_id_counter
-record(vbs_id_counter, {
%% @doc A name for the counter. This is the primary key for the table and
%% @api A name for the counter. This is the primary key for the table and
%% must be unique.
%% @example `vbs_adult_id`
%% @org records/vbs_id_counter/name
%% @doc The next value for this counter.
%% @api The next value for this counter.
%% @org records/vbs_id_counter/next_value
next_value = 0}).
%% @doc Information about workers involved in the VBS program.
%% @api Information about workers involved in the VBS program.
%% @org records/vbs_worker
-record(vbs_worker, {
%% @doc A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and the
%% @api A unique number. This is the record's primary identification and the
%% table's primary key.
%% @org records/vbs_worker/id
%% @doc Links this worker record to a [`vbs_adult`](jlp://records/vbs_adult)
%% @api Links this worker record to a [`vbs_adult`](jlp://records/vbs_adult)
%% @org records/vbs_worker/adult_id
adult_id, % foreign key on adult
%% @doc The crew this worker is assigned to. This is a link to
%% @api The crew this worker is assigned to. This is a link to
%% [``](jlp://records/vbs_crew/id). The most common way to deal
%% with workers who are not assigned to a particular crew is to create a
%% special administrative crew and assign all these workers to that crew.
%% @org records/vbs_worker/crew_id
crew_id = 0,
%% @doc
%% @api
%% @org records/vbs_worker/worker_type_id
worker_type_id, % foreign key on worker_type
%% @doc
%% @api
%% @org records/vbs_worker/shirt_size
%% @doc
%% @api
%% @org records/vbs_worker/ext_data
ext_data = []}).
%% @doc
%% @api
%% @org records/vbs_worker_type
-record(vbs_worker_type, {
%% @doc
%% @api
%% @org records/vbs_worker_type/id
%% @doc
%% @api
%% @org records/vbs_worker_type/name
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package com.jdblabs.jlp.experimental;
import org.parboiled.Action;
import org.parboiled.BaseParser;
import org.parboiled.Context;
import org.parboiled.Rule;
import org.parboiled.annotations.*;
public class DeadSimple extends BaseParser {
public Rule S() {
return OneOrMore(FirstOf(Line(), EmptyLine()).skipNode()); }
public Rule Line() {
return Sequence(OneOrMore(NOT_EOL).skipNode(), EOL); }
public Rule EmptyLine() {
return EOL; }
public Rule EOL = Ch('\n');
public Rule NOT_EOL = Sequence(TestNot(EOL), ANY);
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package com.jdblabs.jlp.experimental
import com.jdblabs.jlp.experimental.ast.*
import java.util.List
import java.util.Map
public abstract class JLPBaseGenerator {
protected Map docState
protected JLPBaseGenerator() {
docState = [orgs: [:], // stores `@org` references
codeTrees: [:], // stores code ASTs for
currentDocId: false ] } // store the current docid
protected Map<String, String> generate(Map<String, SourceFile> sources) {
Map result = [:]
sources.each { sourceId, sourceAST ->
// set up the current generator state for this source
docState.currentDocId = sourceId
docState.codeTrees[sourceId] = sourceAST.codeAST
// generate the doc for this source
result[sourceId] = emit(sourceAST) }
// return our results
return result }
protected abstract String emit(SourceFile sourceFile)
protected abstract String emit(Block block)
protected abstract String emit(DocBlock docBlock)
protected abstract String emit(CodeBlock codeBlock)
protected abstract String emit(DocText docText)
protected abstract String emit(Directive directive)
@ -22,13 +22,67 @@ public class JLPPegParser extends BaseParser<Object> {
public Rule SourceFile() {
return Sequence(
// At the start of processing a new SourceFile, we need to set up
// our internal state.
// Clear the line count.
// Add the top-level SourceFile AST node.
push(new SourceFile()),
// A SourceFile is made up of one or more Blocks
FirstOf(Block(), DocBlock(), CodeBlock()),
// All of these options result in one new Block pushed onto the
// stack.
addBlock((ASTNode) pop())))); }
// Match a whole Block. This pushes a Block on the stack.
// A standalone DocBlock. We will create an empty CodeBlock
// to pair with it, then push a new Block onto the stack
// made from the DocBlock and the empty CodeBlock
// 1. We need to remember the line number to create the
// Block
// 2. Match the DocBlock.
// 3. Create the empty CodeBlock.
push(new CodeBlock(curLineNum)),
// 4. Create the Block and push it onto the stack.
push(new Block((CodeBlock) pop(), (DocBlock) pop(),
// A standalone CodeBlock. Similar to the standalone
// DocBlock, we will create an empty DocBlock to pair with
// the CodeBlock to make a Block, which is pushed onto the
// stack:
// *Note: With the way the parser is currently written,
// this will only match a CodeBlock that occurs
// before any DocBlock.*
// 1. Remember the line number for the Block.
// 2. Create the empty DocBlock.
push(new DocBlock(curLineNum)),
// 3. Match the CodeBlock
// 4. Create the Block and push it onto the stack
push(new Block((CodeBlock) pop(), (DocBlock) pop(),
// pop the Block created by one of the above options and add it
// to the SourceFile
addBlockToSourceFile((Block) pop())))); }
* Parses the rule:
@ -71,7 +125,7 @@ public class JLPPegParser extends BaseParser<Object> {
* Parses the rule:
* Directive = DocLineStart AT (LongDirective / ShortFirective)
* Directive = DocLineStart AT (LongDirective / ShortDirective)
* Pushes a Directive node on the stack.
@ -82,7 +136,7 @@ public class JLPPegParser extends BaseParser<Object> {
* Parses the rule:
* LongDirective =
* (AUTHOR_DIR / DOC_DIR / EXAMPLE_DIR) RemainingLine DocText?
* (API_DIR / EXAMPLE_DIR) RemainingLine DocText?
* Pushes a Directive node onto the stack.
@ -90,7 +144,7 @@ public class JLPPegParser extends BaseParser<Object> {
return Sequence(
FirstOf(AUTHOR_DIR, DOC_DIR, EXAMPLE_DIR), push(match()),
FirstOf(API_DIR, EXAMPLE_DIR), push(match()),
RemainingLine(), push(match()),
@ -102,14 +156,14 @@ public class JLPPegParser extends BaseParser<Object> {
* Parses the rule:
* ShortDirective = (ORG_DIR / COPYRIGHT_DIR) RemainingLine
* ShortDirective = (AUTHOR_DIR / ORG_DIR / COPYRIGHT_DIR) RemainingLine
* Pushes a Directive node onto the stack.
Rule ShortDirective() {
return Sequence(
FirstOf(ORG_DIR, COPYRIGHT_DIR), push(match()),
FirstOf(AUTHOR_DIR, ORG_DIR, COPYRIGHT_DIR), push(match()),
push(new Directive(match().trim(), popAsString(), popAsInt()))); }
@ -127,27 +181,28 @@ public class JLPPegParser extends BaseParser<Object> {
DocLineStart(), TestNot(AT), RemainingLine(),
addToDocText(match())))); }
Rule DocLineStart() {
return Sequence(
ZeroOrMore(SPACE), DOC_LINE_START, Optional(SPACE)); }
Rule NonEmptyLine() {
return Sequence(OneOrMore(NOT_EOL), FirstOf(EOL, EOI)); }
Rule RemainingLine() {
return FirstOf(
Sequence(ZeroOrMore(NOT_EOL), EOL, incLineCount()),
Sequence(OneOrMore(NOT_EOL), EOI, incLineCount())); }
Rule AT = Ch('@');
Rule EOL = OneOrMore(AnyOf("\r\n"));
Rule NOT_EOL = Sequence(TestNot(EOL), ANY);
Rule SPACE = AnyOf(" \t");
Rule DOC_LINE_START = String("%%");
Rule AT = Ch('@').label("AT");
Rule EOL = FirstOf(String("\r\n"), Ch('\n'), Ch('\r')).label("EOL");
Rule NOT_EOL = Sequence(TestNot(EOL), ANY).label("NOT_EOL");
Rule SPACE = AnyOf(" \t").label("SPACE");
Rule DOC_LINE_START = String("%%").label("DOC_LINE_START");
// directive terminals
Rule AUTHOR_DIR = IgnoreCase("author");
Rule COPYRIGHT_DIR = IgnoreCase("copyright");
Rule DOC_DIR = IgnoreCase("doc");
Rule API_DIR = IgnoreCase("api");
Rule EXAMPLE_DIR = IgnoreCase("example");
Rule ORG_DIR = IgnoreCase("org");
@ -159,7 +214,7 @@ public class JLPPegParser extends BaseParser<Object> {
boolean incLineCount() { curLineNum++; return true; }
boolean addBlock(ASTNode block) {
boolean addBlockToSourceFile(Block block) {
SourceFile sourceFile = (SourceFile) pop();
return push(sourceFile); }
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
package com.jdblabs.jlp.experimental
import com.jdblabs.jlp.experimental.ast.*
import com.jdblabs.jlp.experimental.ast.Directive.DirectiveType
import org.pegdown.Extensions
import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor
import java.util.List
public class LiterateMarkdownGenerator extends JLPBaseGenerator {
protected PegDownProcessor pegdown
protected LiterateMarkdownGenerator() {
pegdown = new PegDownProcessor(
Extensions.TABLES & Extensions.DEFINITIONS) }
protected static Map<String, String> generateDocuments(
Map<String, SourceFile> sources) {
LiterateMarkdownGenerator inst = new LiterateMarkdownGenerator()
return inst.generate(sources) }
protected String emit(SourceFile sourceFile) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
// Create the HTML file head
"""<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- <link rel="syltesheet" media="all" href=""/> -->
<div id="container">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<th class="doc"><h1>${docState.currentDocId}</h1></th>
<th class="code"/>
// Emit the document to Markdown
sourceFile.blocks.each { block -> sb.append(emit(block)) }
// Create the HTML file foot
""" </tbody>
return sb.toString() }
protected String emit(Block block) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
// Look for an `@org` directive in the `Block`
Directive orgDir = block.docBlock.directives.find {
it.type == DirectiveType.Org }
// Create the `tr` that will hold the `Block`
if (orgDir) { sb.append("\n<tr id='${orgDir.value}'>") }
else { sb.append("<tr>") }
// Create the `td` for the documentation.
sb.append('\n<td class="doc">')
// Create the `td` for the `CodeBlock`
sb.append('\n<td class="code">')
// Close the table row.
sb.append('</tr>') }
protected String emit(DocBlock docBlock) {
// Create a queue for the doc block elements, we are going to
// sort them by type and line number
List emitQueue
// Later we will need a string builder to hold our result.
StringBuilder sb
// Add all the directives
emitQueue = docBlock.directives.collect { directive ->
def queueItem = [lineNumber: directive.lineNumber, value: directive]
switch(directive.type) {
case DirectiveType.Api: queueItem.priority = 12; break
case DirectiveType.Author: queueItem.priority = 10; break
case DirectiveType.Copyright: queueItem.priority = 11; break
case DirectiveType.Example: queueItem.priority = 50; break
case DirectiveType.Org:
docState.orgs[directive.value] = directive
queueItem.priority = 0
break }
return queueItem }
// Add all the doc text blocks
emitQueue.addAll(docBlock.docTexts.collect { docText ->
[lineNumber: docText.lineNumber, priority: 50, value: docText] })
println emitQueue
println "----------"
// Sort the emit queue by priority, then line number.
{i1, i2 -> i1.priority != i2.priority ?
i1.priority - i2.priority :
i1.line - i2.line} as Comparator)
// Finally, we want to treat the whole block as one markdown chunk, so
// we will concatenate the values in the emit queue and then process
// the whole block once
sb = new StringBuilder()
emitQueue.each { queueItem -> sb.append(emit(queueItem.value)) }
return pegdown.markdownToHtml(sb.toString())
protected String emit(CodeBlock codeBlock) {
def codeLines
// Collect the lines into an array.
codeLines = codeBlock.lines.collect { lineNumber, line ->
[lineNumber, line] }
// Sort by line number.
codeLines.sort({ i1, i2 -> i1[0] - i2[0] } as Comparator)
codeLines = codeLines.collect { arr -> arr[1] }
// write out the lines in a <pre><code> block
return "<pre><code>${codeLines.join('')}</code></pre>" }
protected String emit(DocText docText) { return docText.value }
protected String emit(Directive directive) {
switch(directive.type) {
// An `@api` directive is immediately processed and wrapped in a
// div (we need to process this now because Markdown does not
// process input inside HTML elements).
case DirectiveType.Api:
return "<div class='api'>" +
pegdown.markdownToHtml(directive.value) + "</div>\n"
// An `@author` directive is turned into a definition list.
case DirectiveType.Author:
return "Author\n: ${directive.value}\n"
case DirectiveType.Copyright:
return "© ${directive.value}\n"
// An `@example` directive is returned as is
case DirectiveType.Example: return directive.value
// An `@org` directive is ignored.
case DirectiveType.Org: return "" }
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ package com.jdblabs.jlp.experimental.ast
public class Directive extends ASTNode {
public static enum DirectiveType {
@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ public class DocText extends ASTNode {
public String value
public DocText(int lineNumber) { super(lineNumber) }
public DocText(int lineNumber) {
value = "" }
public String toString() { value }
@ -3,4 +3,6 @@ package com.jdblabs.jlp.experimental.ast
public class SourceFile {
public List<ASTNode> blocks = []
public def codeAST
public String id
Reference in New Issue
Block a user