package edu.utexas.cs345.jdblisp; /** * SExp * @author Jonathan Bernard ( */ public interface SExp { /** * Evaluate this SExp within the context of the given SymbolTable. * @param table The SymbolTable context for this scope. * @return A SymbolTable containing the reutrn value. */ SExp eval(SymbolTable table) throws LispException; String display(String offset); public static final SExp T = new SExp() { public SExp eval(SymbolTable table) { return this; } public String display(String offset) { return offset + "T\n"; } public String toString() { return "T"; } }; /*public static final SExp NIL = new SExp() { SExp eval(SymbolTable table) { return this; } String display(String offset) { return offset + "NIL\n"; } String toString() { return "NIL"; } };*/ }