Also added Windows XP support to build file. Created a working gritter.bat file in bin.
618 lines
19 KiB
618 lines
19 KiB
package com.jdbernard.twitter
import com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGContext
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import twitter4j.Paging
import twitter4j.Status
import twitter4j.Twitter
import twitter4j.TwitterFactory
import twitter4j.conf.Configuration
import twitter4j.conf.PropertyConfiguration
public class TwitterCLI {
private static String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator")
private static TwitterCLI nailgunInst
private Twitter twitter
private Scanner stdin
private Map colors = [:]
private int terminalWidth
private boolean colored
private boolean printStatusTimestamps
private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass())
public static void main(String[] args) {
TwitterCLI inst = new TwitterCLI(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"),
inst.run((args as List) as LinkedList)
public static void nailMain(NGContext context) {
if (nailgunInst == null)
nailgunInst = new TwitterCLI(new File(
System.getProperty("user.home"), ".gritterrc"))
nailgunInst.stdin = new Scanner(context.in)
nailgunInst.run((context.args as List) as LinkedList)
public static void reconfigure(LinkedList args) {
if (nailgunInst == null) main(args as String[])
else {
nailgunInst = null
nailgunInst = new TwitterCLI(new File(
System.getProperty("user.home"), ".gritterrc"))
static String wrapToWidth(String text, int width, String prefix, String suffix) {
int lastSpaceIdx = 0;
int curLineLength = 0;
int lineStartIdx = 0;
int i = 0;
int actualWidth = width - prefix.length() - suffix.length()
String wrapped = ""
text = text.replaceAll("[\n\r]", " ")
for (i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
if (curLineLength > actualWidth) {
if (lastSpaceIdx == -1) // we haven't seen a space on this line
lastSpaceIdx = lineStartIdx + actualWidth - 1
wrapped += prefix + text[lineStartIdx..<lastSpaceIdx] + suffix + EOL
curLineLength = 0
lineStartIdx = lastSpaceIdx + 1
i = lastSpaceIdx + 1
lastSpaceIdx = -1
if (text.charAt(i).isWhitespace())
lastSpaceIdx = i
if (i - lineStartIdx > 1)
wrapped += prefix + text[lineStartIdx..<text.length()]
return wrapped
public TwitterCLI(File propFile) {
// load the configuration
Properties cfg = new Properties()
propFile.withInputStream { is -> cfg.load(is) }
// create a twitter instance
twitter = (new TwitterFactory(new PropertyConfiguration(cfg))).getInstance()
// configure the colors
colors.author = new ConsoleColor(cfg.getProperty("colors.author", "CYAN:false"))
colors.mentioned = new ConsoleColor(cfg.getProperty("colors.mentioned", "GREEN:false"))
colors.error = new ConsoleColor(cfg.getProperty("colors.error", "RED:true"))
colors.option = new ConsoleColor(cfg.getProperty("colors.option", "YELLOW:true"))
colors.even = new ConsoleColor(cfg.getProperty("colors.even", "WHITE"))
colors.odd = new ConsoleColor(cfg.getProperty("colors.odd", "YELLOW"))
// configure the terminal width
terminalWidth = (System.getenv().COLUMNS ?: cfg.terminalWidth ?: 79) as int
colored = (cfg.colored ?: 'true') as boolean
printStatusTimestamps = (cfg."timeline.printTimestamps" ?: 'true') as boolean
stdin = new Scanner(System.in)
/* ======== PARSING FUNCTIONS ========*/
public void run(LinkedList args) {
if (args.size() < 1) printUsage()
log.debug("argument list: {}", args)
while (args.peek()) {
def command = args.poll()
switch (command.toLowerCase()) {
case ~/delete|destroy|remove/: delete(args); break
case ~/get|show/: get(args); break // get|show
case ~/help/: help(args); break // help
case ~/post|add|create/: post(args); break // post|add|create
case ~/reconfigure/: reconfigure(args); break // reconfigure
case ~/set/: set(args); break // set
default: // fallthrough
public void delete(LinkedList args) {
public void get(LinkedList args) {
def option = args.poll()
log.debug("Processing a 'get' command, option = {}.", option)
switch(option) {
case "list": showList(args); break
case "lists": showLists(args); break
case ~/subs.*/: showSubscriptions(args); break
case "timeline": showTimeline(args); break
case "user": showUser(args); break
default: args.addFirst(option)
public void help(LinkedList args) {
log.debug("Processing a 'help' command.")
public void post(LinkedList args) {
def option = args.poll()
log.debug("Processing a 'post' command: option = '{}'", option)
if (!option) {
println color("post", colors.option) +
color(" command requires at least two parameters: ",
colors.error) + "gritter post <status|retweet|list> " +
switch (option) {
case "status": postStatus(args.poll()); break
case "retweet": retweetStatus(args.poll()); break
case "list": createList(args); break
default: postStatus(option)
public void set(LinkedList args) {
def option = args.poll()
def value = args.poll()
log.debug("Processing a 'set' command: option = '{}', value = '{}'",
option, value)
if (!value) { // note: if option is null, value is null
println color("set", colors.option) +
color(" command requires two options: ", colors.error) +
"gritter set <param> <value>"
switch (option) {
case "terminalWidth": terminalWidth = value as int; break
case "colored": colored = value.toLowerCase() ==~ /true|t|on|yes|y/
println color("No property named ", colors.error) +
color(option, colors.option) +
color(" exists.", colors.error)
public void showList(LinkedList args) {
def option = args.poll()
log.debug("Processing a 'show list' command, option = '{}'", option)
switch(option) {
case "members": showListMembers(args); break
case "subscribers": showListSubscribers(args); break
case "subscriptions": showListSubscriptions(args); break
default: args.addFirst(option)
public void showTimeline(LinkedList args) {
String timeline = args.poll() ?: "home"
log.debug("Processing a 'show timeline' command, timeline = '{}'",
switch (timeline) {
// friends
case "friends": printTimeline(twitter.friendsTimeline); break
// home
case "home": printTimeline(twitter.homeTimeline); break
// mine
case "mine": printTimeline(twitter.userTimeline); break
// public
case "public": printTimeline(twitter.publicTimeline); break
// user
case "user":
String user = args.poll()
if (user) {
if (user.isNumber())
printTimeline(twitter.getUserTimeline(user as int))
else printTimeline(twitter.getUserTimeline(user))
} else println color("No user specified.", colors.error)
println color("Unknown timeline: ", colors.error) +
color(timeline, colors.option)
public void showUser(LinkedList args) {
def user = args.poll()
log.debug("Processing a 'show user' command, user = '{}'", user)
public void createList(LinkedList args) {
def option = args.poll()
switch(option) {
case "member": addListMember(args); break
case "subscription": addListSubscription(args); break
default: args.addFirst(option)
createNewList(args); break
/* ======== WORKER FUNCTIONS ========*/
public void printLists(def lists) {
int colSize = 0
// fins largest indentation needed
lists.each { list ->
curColSize = list.user.screenName.length() +
list.user.slug.length() + list.user.fullName.length() +
colSize = Math.max(colSize, curColSize)
lists.each { list ->
col1 = color(list.user.screenName, color.author) + "/" +
color("${list.slug} (${list.id})", color.option)
println col1.padLeft(colSize) + ": " + list.fullName
print color("M: ${list.user.memberCount} S: ${list.user.subscriberCount}".
padLeft(2).padRight(colSize - 2), colors.author)
println wrapToWidth(list.description, terminalWidth,
"".padLeft(colSize), "").subtring(colSize)
public void printTimeline(def timeline) {
log.debug("Printing a timeline: {}", timeline)
Map formatOptions = [:]
formatOptions.authorLength = 0
timeline.each { status ->
if (status.user.screenName.length() > formatOptions.authorLength)
formatOptions.authorLength = status.user.screenName.length()
formatOptions.indent = "".padLeft(formatOptions.authorLength + 2)
timeline.eachWithIndex { status, rowNum ->
formatOptions.rowNum = rowNum
println formatStatus(status, formatOptions)
public void showLists(LinkedList args) {
def user = args.poll()
log.debug("Processing a 'show lists' command, user = '{}'", user)
if (!user) user = twitter.screenName
printLists(twitter.getUserLists(user, -1)) // TODO paging
public void showListMembers(LinkedList args) {
def listRef = parseListReference(args)
log.debug("Processing a 'show list members' command, list = '{}'",
if (!listRef) {
println color("show list members", colors.option) +
color(" command requires a list reference in the form of " +
"user/list: ", colors.error) +
"gritter show list members <user/list>"
listRef.username, listRef.listId, -1)) // TODO paging
public void showListSubscribers(LinkedList args) {
def listRef = parseListReference(args)
log.debug("Processing a 'show list subscribers' command, list = '{}'",
if (!listRef) {
println color("show list subscribers", colors.option) +
color(" command requires a list reference in the form of " +
"user/list: ", colors.error) +
"gritter show list subscribers <user/list>"
listRef.username, listRef.listId, -1)) // TODO: paging
public void showListSubscriptions(LinkedList args) {
def user = args.poll()
log.debug("Processing a 'show list subscriptions' command, list = '{}'",
if (!user) user = twitter.screenName
printLists(twitter.getUserListSubscriptions(user, -1)) // TODO: paging
public void showListTimeline(LinkedList args) {
if (args.size() < 1) {
println color("show list", colors.option) +
color(" command requires a list reference in the form of " +
"user/list: ", colors.error) +
"gritter show list <user/list>"
def listRef = parseListReference(args)
log.debug("Showing a list timeline, list = '{}'", listRef)
if (listRef.listId == -1) {
println color("show list", colors.option) +
color(" command requires a list reference in the form of " +
"user/list: ", colors.error) +
"gritter show list <user/list>"
listRef.username, listRef.listId, new Paging())) // TODO: paging
public void postStatus(String status) {
log.debug("Posting a status: '{}'", status)
if (!status) {
println color("post status ", colors.option) +
color("command requires one option: ", colors.error) +
"gritter post status <status>"
if (status.length() > 140) {
println color("Status exceeds Twitter's 140 character limit.", colors.error)
println "Update status: '$status'? "
if (stdin.nextLine() ==~ /yes|y|true|t/) {
try {
println "Status posted."
} catch (Exception e) {
println "An error occurred trying to post the status: '" +
log.error("Error posting status:", e)
} else println "Status post canceled."
public void retweetStatus(def statusId) {
log.debug("Retweeting a status: '{}'", statusId)
if (!statusId.isLong() || !statusId) {
println color("retweet ", colors.option) +
color("command requires a status id: ", colors.error) +
"gritter post retweet <statusId>"
statusId = statusId as long
def status = twitter.showStatus(statusId)
println "Retweet '" + color(status.text, colors.odd) + "'? "
if (stdin.nextLine() ==~ /yes|y|true|t/)
public void addListMember(LinkedList args) {
def listRef = args.poll()
def user = args.poll()
def list
log.debug("Adding a member to a list: list='{}', user='{}'",
list, user)
if (!user) {
println color("add list member", colors.option) +
color(" requires two parameters: ", colors.error) +
"gritter add list member <list-ref> <user>"
// look up the list id if neccessary
if (listRef.isInteger()) listRef = listRef as int
else list = findListByName(twitter.screenName, listRef)
if (!list) {
println color("No list found that matches the given description: ",
colors.error) + color(listRef, colors.option)
// look up the user id if neccessary
if (user.isLong()) user = user as long
else user = twitter.showUser(user).id
twitter.addUserListMember(list, user)
public void addListSubscription(LinkedList args) {
def listRef = parseListReference(args)
log.debug("Subscribing to a list: list='{}'", listRef)
if (!listRef) {
println color("add list subscription ", colors.option) +
color("expects a list name, user/list: ", colors.error) +
"gritter add list subscription <user/list>"
twitter.subscribeUserList(listRef.username, listRef.listId)
public void createNewList(LinkedList args) {
def name = args.poll()
def isPublic = args.poll()
def desc = args.poll()
log.debug("Creating a new list: name='{}', isPublic='{}', desc='{}'",
name, isPublic, desc)
if (desc == null) {
println color("create list ", colors.option) +
color("command requires three arguments: ", colors.error) +
"gritter create list <listName> <isPublic> <listDescription>"
println "Create list '${color(list, colors.option)}'?"
if (stdin.nextLine() ==~ /yes|y|true|t/)
twitter.createUserList(name, isPublic ==~ /yes|y|true|t/, desc)
public def parseListReference(LinkedList args) {
def username = args.poll()
def listId
log.debug("Looking up a list: ref = '{}'", username)
log.debug("remaining args='{}'", args)
if (!username) return false
username = username.split("/")
if (username.length != 2) {
listId = username[0]
username = twitter.screenName
} else {
listId = username[1]
username = username[0]
if (listId.isInteger()) listId = listId as int
else listId = findListByName(username, listId)
// TODO: err if list does not exist
return [username: username, listId: listId]
public int findListByName(String userName, String listName) {
def userLists
long cursor = -1
int listId = -1
while(listId == -1) {
userLists = twitter.getUserLists(userName, cursor)
userLists.each { list ->
if (listName == list.name || listName == list.slug)
listId = list.id
if (!userLists.hasNext()) break
cursor = userLists.nextCursor
return listId
public String formatStatus(Status status, Map formatOptions) {
def indent = formatOptions.indent ?: ""
def authorLength = formatOptions.authorLength ?: 0
def rowNum = formatOptions.rowNum ?: 0
String result
def textColor = (rowNum % 2 == 0 ? colors.even : colors.odd)
// add author's username
result = color(status.user.screenName.padLeft(
authorLength) + ": ", colors.author, textColor)
// format the status text
String text = status.text
// if this status takes up more room than we have left on the line
if (text.length() > terminalWidth - indent.length()) {
// wrap text to terminal width
text = wrapToWidth(text, terminalWidth, indent, "").
// if we are
// color @mentions in the tweet
text = text.replaceAll(/(@\w+)/, color("\$1", colors.mentioned, textColor))
result += text
return result
public static void printUsage() {
public String resetColor() { colored ? "\u001b[m" : "" }
public String color(def message, ConsoleColor color,
ConsoleColor existing = null) {
if (!colored) return message
return color.toString() + message + (existing ?: resetColor())