package com.jdbernard.twitter import twitter4j.Twitter import twitter4j.TwitterFactory import twitter4j.conf.Configuration import twitter4j.conf.PropertyConfiguration public class TwitterCLI { private static TwitterCLI nailgunInst private Twitter twitter public static void main(String[] args) { TwitterCLI inst = new TwitterCLI(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".groovy-twitter-cli-rc")) as List) } public static void nailMain(String[] args) { if (nailgunInst == null) nailgunInst = new TwitterCLI(new File( System.getProperty("user.home"), ".groovy-twitter-cli-rc")) as List) } public static void setColor(boolean bright, int code) { print "\u001b[${bright?'1':'0'};${code}m" } public static void resetColor() { print "\u001b[m" } public static void colorPrint(def message, boolean bright, int color) { setColor(bright, color) print message resetColor() } public static void colorPrintln(def message, boolean bright, int color) { setColor(bright, color) println message resetColor() } public TwitterCLI(File propFile) { // load the configuration Configuration conf propFile.withInputStream { is -> conf = new PropertyConfiguration(is) } // create a twitter instance twitter = (new TwitterFactory(conf)).getInstance() } public void run(List args) { if (args.size() < 1) printUsage() switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) { case ~/t.*/: timeline(args.tail()); break case ~/p.*/: post(args.tail()); break default: printUsage() } } public void timeline(List args) { // default to showing my friends timeline if (args.size() == 0) args = ["friends"] while (args.size() > 0) { def option = args.pop() switch (option) { // friends case ~/f.*/: printTimeline(twitter.friendsTimeline); break // mine case ~/m.*/: printTimeline(twitter.userTimeline); break // user case ~/u.*/: if (args.size() == 0) colorPrintln("No user specificied.", true, 31) else printTimeline(twitter.getUserTimeline(args.pop())) break; default: colorPrint("Unknown timeline: ", true, 31) colorPrintln(option, true, 33) break; } } } void printTimeline(def timeline) { timeline.each { status -> colorPrint(status.user.screenName, true, 34) print ": " println status.text println "" } } public static void printUsage() { // TODO } }