151 lines
5.6 KiB
151 lines
5.6 KiB
import db_postgres, macros, options, sequtils, strutils, uuids
from unicode import capitalize
import ./fiber_orm/util
type NotFoundError* = object of CatchableError
proc newMutateClauses(): MutateClauses =
return MutateClauses(
columns: @[],
placeholders: @[],
values: @[])
proc createRecord*[T](db: DbConn, rec: T): T =
var mc = newMutateClauses()
populateMutateClauses(rec, true, mc)
# Confusingly, getRow allows inserts and updates. We use it to get back the ID
# we want from the row.
let newRow = db.getRow(sql(
"INSERT INTO " & tableName(rec) &
" (" & mc.columns.join(",") & ") " &
" VALUES (" & mc.placeholders.join(",") & ") " &
" RETURNING *"), mc.values)
result = rowToModel(T, newRow)
proc updateRecord*[T](db: DbConn, rec: T): bool =
var mc = newMutateClauses()
populateMutateClauses(rec, false, mc)
let setClause = zip(mc.columns, mc.placeholders).mapIt(it[0] & " = " & it[1]).join(",")
let numRowsUpdated = db.execAffectedRows(sql(
"UPDATE " & tableName(rec) &
" SET " & setClause &
" WHERE id = ? "), mc.values.concat(@[$rec.id]))
return numRowsUpdated > 0;
template deleteRecord*(db: DbConn, modelType: type, id: typed): untyped =
db.tryExec(sql("DELETE FROM " & tableName(modelType) & " WHERE id = ?"), $id)
proc deleteRecord*[T](db: DbConn, rec: T): bool =
return db.tryExec(sql("DELETE FROM " & tableName(rec) & " WHERE id = ?"), $rec.id)
template getRecord*(db: DbConn, modelType: type, id: typed): untyped =
let row = db.getRow(sql(
"SELECT " & columnNamesForModel(modelType).join(",") &
" FROM " & tableName(modelType) &
" WHERE id = ?"), @[$id])
if allIt(row, it.len == 0):
raise newException(NotFoundError, "no " & modelName(modelType) & " record for id " & $id)
rowToModel(modelType, row)
template findRecordsWhere*(db: DbConn, modelType: type, whereClause: string, values: varargs[string, dbFormat]): untyped =
"SELECT " & columnNamesForModel(modelType).join(",") &
" FROM " & tableName(modelType) &
" WHERE " & whereClause), values)
.mapIt(rowToModel(modelType, it))
template getAllRecords*(db: DbConn, modelType: type): untyped =
"SELECT " & columnNamesForModel(modelType).join(",") &
" FROM " & tableName(modelType)))
.mapIt(rowToModel(modelType, it))
template findRecordsBy*(db: DbConn, modelType: type, lookups: seq[tuple[field: string, value: string]]): untyped =
"SELECT " & columnNamesForModel(modelType).join(",") &
" FROM " & tableName(modelType) &
" WHERE " & lookups.mapIt(it.field & " = ?").join(" AND ")),
.mapIt(rowToModel(modelType, it))
macro generateProcsForModels*(dbType: type, modelTypes: openarray[type]): untyped =
result = newStmtList()
for t in modelTypes:
let modelName = $(t.getType[1])
let getName = ident("get" & modelName)
let getAllName = ident("getAll" & modelName & "s")
let findWhereName = ident("find" & modelName & "sWhere")
let createName = ident("create" & modelName)
let updateName = ident("update" & modelName)
let deleteName = ident("delete" & modelName)
let idType = typeOfColumn(t, "id")
result.add quote do:
proc `getName`*(db: `dbType`, id: `idType`): `t` = getRecord(db.conn, `t`, id)
proc `getAllName`*(db: `dbType`): seq[`t`] = getAllRecords(db.conn, `t`)
proc `findWhereName`*(db: `dbType`, whereClause: string, values: varargs[string, dbFormat]): seq[`t`] =
return findRecordsWhere(db.conn, `t`, whereClause, values)
proc `createName`*(db: `dbType`, rec: `t`): `t` = createRecord(db.conn, rec)
proc `updateName`*(db: `dbType`, rec: `t`): bool = updateRecord(db.conn, rec)
proc `deleteName`*(db: `dbType`, rec: `t`): bool = deleteRecord(db.conn, rec)
proc `deleteName`*(db: `dbType`, id: `idType`): bool = deleteRecord(db.conn, `t`, id)
macro generateLookup*(dbType: type, modelType: type, fields: seq[string]): untyped =
let fieldNames = fields[1].mapIt($it)
let procName = ident("find" & pluralize($modelType.getType[1]) & "By" & fieldNames.mapIt(it.capitalize).join("And"))
# Create proc skeleton
result = quote do:
proc `procName`*(db: `dbType`): seq[`modelType`] =
return findRecordsBy(db.conn, `modelType`)
var callParams = quote do: @[]
# Add dynamic parameters for the proc definition and inner proc call
for n in fieldNames:
let paramTuple = newNimNode(nnkPar)
paramTuple.add(newColonExpr(ident("field"), newLit(identNameToDb(n))))
paramTuple.add(newColonExpr(ident("value"), ident(n)))
result[3].add(newIdentDefs(ident(n), ident("string")))
macro generateProcsForFieldLookups*(dbType: type, modelsAndFields: openarray[tuple[t: type, fields: seq[string]]]): untyped =
result = newStmtList()
for i in modelsAndFields:
var modelType = i[1][0]
let fieldNames = i[1][1][1].mapIt($it)
let procName = ident("find" & $modelType & "sBy" & fieldNames.mapIt(it.capitalize).join("And"))
# Create proc skeleton
let procDefAST = quote do:
proc `procName`*(db: `dbType`): seq[`modelType`] =
return findRecordsBy(db.conn, `modelType`)
var callParams = quote do: @[]
# Add dynamic parameters for the proc definition and inner proc call
for n in fieldNames:
let paramTuple = newNimNode(nnkPar)
paramTuple.add(newColonExpr(ident("field"), newLit(n)))
paramTuple.add(newColonExpr(ident("value"), ident(n)))
procDefAST[3].add(newIdentDefs(ident(n), ident("string")))
result.add procDefAST