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# Fiber ORM
# Copyright 2019 Jonathan Bernard <jonathan@jdbernard.com>
## Lightweight ORM supporting the `Postgres`_ and `SQLite`_ databases in Nim.
## It supports a simple, opinionated model mapper to generate SQL queries based
## on Nim objects. It also includes a simple connection pooling implementation.
## Fiber ORM is not intended to be a 100% all-cases-covered ORM that handles
## every potential data access pattern one might wish to implement. It is best
## thought of as a collection of common SQL generation patterns. It is intended
## to cover 90% of the common queries and functions one might write when
## implementing an SQL-based access layer. It is expected that there may be a
## few more complicated queries that need to be implemented to handle specific
## access patterns.
## The simple mapping pattern provided by Fiber ORM also works well on top of
## databases that encapsulate data access logic in SQL with, for example,
## views.
## .. _Postgres: https://nim-lang.org/docs/db_postgres.html
## .. _SQLite: https://nim-lang.org/docs/db_sqlite.html
## Basic Usage
## ===========
## Consider a simple TODO list application that keeps track of TODO items as
## well as time logged against those items.
## Example DB Schema
## -----------------
## You might have a schema such as:
## .. code-block:: SQL
## create extension if not exists "pgcrypto";
## create table todo_items columns (
## id uuid not null primary key default gen_random_uuid(),
## owner varchar not null,
## summary varchar not null,
## details varchar default null,
## priority integer not null default 0,
## related_todo_item_ids uuid[] not null default '{}'
## );
## create table time_entries columns (
## id uuid not null primary key default gen_random_uuid(),
## todo_item_id uuid not null references todo_items (id) on delete cascade,
## start timestamp with timezone not null default current_timestamp,
## stop timestamp with timezone default null,
## );
## Example Model Definitions
## -------------------------
## Models may be defined as:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## # models.nim
## import std/options, std/times
## import uuids
## type
## TodoItem* = object
## id*: UUID
## owner*: string
## summary*: string
## details*: Option[string]
## priority*: int
## relatedTodoItemIds*: seq[UUID]
## TimeEntry* = object
## id*: UUID
## todoItemId*: Option[UUID]
## start*: DateTime
## stop*: Option[DateTime]
## Example Fiber ORM Usage
## -----------------------
## Using Fiber ORM we can generate a data access layer with:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## # db.nim
## import std/db_postgres
## import fiber_orm
## import ./models.nim
## type TodoDB* = DbConnPool
## proc initDb*(connString: string): TodoDB =
## result = fiber_orm.initPool(
## connect = proc(): DbConn = open("", "", "", connString),
## poolSize = 20,
## hardCap = false)
## generateProcsForModels(TodoDB, [TodoItem, TimeEntry])
## generateLookup(TodoDB, TimeEntry, @["todoItemId"])
## This will generate the following procedures:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## proc getTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, id: UUID): TodoItem;
## proc createTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, rec: TodoItem): TodoItem;
## proc updateTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, rec: TodoItem): bool;
## proc deleteTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, rec: TodoItem): bool;
## proc deleteTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, id: UUID): bool;
## proc getAllTodoItems*(db: TodoDB,
## pagination = none[PaginationParams]()): seq[TodoItem];
## proc findTodoItemsWhere*(db: TodoDB, whereClause: string,
## values: varargs[string, dbFormat], pagination = none[PaginationParams]()
## ): seq[TodoItem];
## proc getTimeEntry*(db: TodoDB, id: UUID): TimeEntry;
## proc createTimeEntry*(db: TodoDB, rec: TimeEntry): TimeEntry;
## proc updateTimeEntry*(db: TodoDB, rec: TimeEntry): bool;
## proc deleteTimeEntry*(db: TodoDB, rec: TimeEntry): bool;
## proc deleteTimeEntry*(db: TodoDB, id: UUID): bool;
## proc getAllTimeEntries*(db: TodoDB,
## pagination = none[PaginationParams]()): seq[TimeEntry];
## proc findTimeEntriesWhere*(db: TodoDB, whereClause: string,
## values: varargs[string, dbFormat], pagination = none[PaginationParams]()
## ): seq[TimeEntry];
## proc findTimeEntriesByTodoItemId(db: TodoDB, todoItemId: UUID,
## pagination = none[PaginationParams]()): seq[TimeEntry];
## Object-Relational Modeling
## ==========================
## Model Class
## -----------
## Fiber ORM uses simple Nim `object`s and `ref object`s as model classes.
## Fiber ORM expects there to be one table for each model class.
## Name Mapping
## ````````````
## Fiber ORM uses `snake_case` for database identifiers (column names, table
## names, etc.) and `camelCase` for Nim identifiers. We automatically convert
## model names to and from table names (`TodoItem` <-> `todo_items`), as well
## as column names (`userId` <-> `user_id`).
## Notice that table names are automatically pluralized from model class names.
## In the above example, you have:
## =========== ================
## Model Class Table Name
## =========== ================
## TodoItem todo_items
## TimeEntry time_entries
## =========== ================
## Because Nim is style-insensitive, you can generall refer to model classes
## and fields using `snake_case`, `camelCase`, or `PascalCase` in your code and
## expect Fiber ORM to be able to map the names to DB identifier names properly
## (though FiberORM will always use `camelCase` internally).
## See the `identNameToDb`_, `dbNameToIdent`_, `tableName`_ and `dbFormat`_
## procedures in the `fiber_orm/util`_ module for details.
## .. _identNameToDb: fiber_orm/util.html#identNameToDb,string
## .. _dbNameToIdent: fiber_orm/util.html#dbNameToIdent,string
## .. _tableName: fiber_orm/util.html#tableName,type
## .. _dbFormat: fiber_orm/util.html#dbFormat,DateTime
## .. _util: fiber_orm/util.html
## ID Field
## ````````
## Fiber ORM expects every model class to have a field named `id`, with a
## corresponding `id` column in the model table. This field must be either a
## `string`, `integer`, or `UUID`_.
## When creating a new record the `id` field will be omitted if it is empty
## (`Option.isNone`_, `UUID.isZero`_, value of `0`, or only whitespace). This
## is intended to allow for cases like the example where the database may
## generate an ID when a new record is inserted. If a non-zero value is
## provided, the create call will include the `id` field in the `INSERT` query.
## For example, to allow the database to create the id:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## let item = TodoItem(
## owner: "John Mann",
## summary: "Create a grocery list.",
## details: none[string](),
## priority: 0,
## relatedTodoItemIds: @[])
## let itemWithId = db.createTodoItem(item)
## echo $itemWithId.id # generated in the database
## And to create it in code:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## import uuids
## let item = TodoItem(
## id: genUUID(),
## owner: "John Mann",
## summary: "Create a grocery list.",
## details: none[string](),
## priority: 0,
## relatedTodoItemIds: @[])
## let itemInDb = db.createTodoItem(item)
## echo $itemInDb.id # will be the same as what was provided
## .. _Option.isNone: https://nim-lang.org/docs/options.html#isNone,Option[T]
## .. _UUID.isZero: https://github.com/pragmagic/uuids/blob/8cb8720b567c6bcb261bd1c0f7491bdb5209ad06/uuids.nim#L72
## Supported Data Types
## --------------------
## The following Nim data types are supported by Fiber ORM:
## =============== ====================== =================
## Nim Type Postgres Type SQLite Type
## =============== ====================== =================
## `string` `varchar`_
## `int` `integer`_
## `float` `double`_
## `bool` `boolean`_
## `DateTime`_ `timestamp`_
## `seq[]` `array`_
## `UUID`_ `uuid (pg)`_
## `Option`_ *allows* `NULL` [#f1]_
## `JsonNode`_ `jsonb`_
## =============== ====================== =================
## .. [#f1] Note that this implies that all `NULL`-able fields should be typed
## as optional using `Option[fieldType]`. Conversely, any fields with
## non-optional types should also be constrained to be `NOT NULL` in
## the database schema.
## .. _DateTime: https://nim-lang.org/docs/times.html#DateTime
## .. _UUID: https://github.com/pragmagic/uuids
## .. _Option: https://nim-lang.org/docs/options.html#Option
## .. _JsonNode: https://nim-lang.org/docs/json.html#JsonNode
## .. _varchar: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-character.html
## .. _integer: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-numeric.html#DATATYPE-INT
## .. _double: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-numeric.html#DATATYPE-FLOAT
## .. _boolean: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-boolean.html
## .. _timestamp: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-datetime.html
## .. _array: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/arrays.html
## .. _uuid (pg): https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-uuid.html
## .. _jsonb: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-json.html
## Database Object
## ===============
## Many of the Fiber ORM macros expect a database object type to be passed.
## In the example above the `pool.DbConnPool`_ object is used as database
## object type (aliased as `TodoDB`). This is the intended usage pattern, but
## anything can be passed as the database object type so long as there is a
## defined `withConn` template that provides an injected `conn: DbConn` object
## to the provided statement body.
## For example, a valid database object implementation that opens a new
## connection for every request might look like this:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## import std/db_postgres
## type TodoDB* = object
## connString: string
## template withConn*(db: TodoDB, stmt: untyped): untyped =
## let conn {.inject.} = open("", "", "", db.connString)
## try: stmt
## finally: close(conn)
## .. _pool.DbConnPool: fiber_orm/pool.html#DbConnPool
import std/db_postgres, std/macros, std/options, std/sequtils, std/strutils
import namespaced_logging, uuids
from std/unicode import capitalize
import ./fiber_orm/pool
import ./fiber_orm/util
PaginationParams* = object
pageSize*: int
offset*: int
orderBy*: Option[string]
PagedRecords*[T] = object
pagination*: Option[PaginationParams]
records*: seq[T]
totalRecords*: int
NotFoundError* = object of CatchableError ##\
## Error type raised when no record matches a given ID
var logNs {.threadvar.}: LoggingNamespace
template log(): untyped =
if logNs.isNil: logNs = initLoggingNamespace(name = "fiber_orm", level = lvlNotice)
proc newMutateClauses(): MutateClauses =
return MutateClauses(
columns: @[],
placeholders: @[],
values: @[])
proc createRecord*[T](db: DbConn, rec: T): T =
## Create a new record. `rec` is expected to be a `model class`_. The `id`
## field is only set if it is non-empty (see `ID Field`_ for details).
## Returns the newly created record.
## .. _model class: #objectminusrelational-modeling-model-class
## .. _ID Field: #model-class-id-field
var mc = newMutateClauses()
populateMutateClauses(rec, true, mc)
let sqlStmt =
"INSERT INTO " & tableName(rec) &
" (" & mc.columns.join(",") & ") " &
" VALUES (" & mc.placeholders.join(",") & ") " &
" RETURNING " & columnNamesForModel(rec).join(",")
log().debug "createRecord: [" & sqlStmt & "]"
let newRow = db.getRow(sql(sqlStmt), mc.values)
result = rowToModel(T, newRow)
proc updateRecord*[T](db: DbConn, rec: T): bool =
## Update a record by id. `rec` is expected to be a `model class`_.
var mc = newMutateClauses()
populateMutateClauses(rec, false, mc)
let setClause = zip(mc.columns, mc.placeholders).mapIt(it[0] & " = " & it[1]).join(",")
let sqlStmt =
"UPDATE " & tableName(rec) &
" SET " & setClause &
" WHERE id = ? "
log().debug "updateRecord: [" & sqlStmt & "] id: " & $rec.id
let numRowsUpdated = db.execAffectedRows(sql(sqlStmt), mc.values.concat(@[$rec.id]))
return numRowsUpdated > 0;
template deleteRecord*(db: DbConn, modelType: type, id: typed): untyped =
## Delete a record by id.
let sqlStmt = "DELETE FROM " & tableName(modelType) & " WHERE id = ?"
log().debug "deleteRecord: [" & sqlStmt & "] id: " & $id
db.tryExec(sql(sqlStmt), $id)
proc deleteRecord*[T](db: DbConn, rec: T): bool =
## Delete a record by `id`_.
## .. _id: #model-class-id-field
let sqlStmt = "DELETE FROM " & tableName(rec) & " WHERE id = ?"
log().debug "deleteRecord: [" & sqlStmt & "] id: " & $rec.id
return db.tryExec(sql(sqlStmt), $rec.id)
template getRecord*(db: DbConn, modelType: type, id: typed): untyped =
## Fetch a record by id.
let sqlStmt =
"SELECT " & columnNamesForModel(modelType).join(",") &
" FROM " & tableName(modelType) &
" WHERE id = ?"
log().debug "getRecord: [" & sqlStmt & "] id: " & $id
let row = db.getRow(sql(sqlStmt), @[$id])
if allIt(row, it.len == 0):
raise newException(NotFoundError, "no " & modelName(modelType) & " record for id " & $id)
rowToModel(modelType, row)
template findRecordsWhere*(
db: DbConn,
modelType: type,
whereClause: string,
values: varargs[string, dbFormat],
page: Option[PaginationParams]): untyped =
## Find all records matching a given `WHERE` clause. The number of elements in
## the `values` array must match the number of placeholders (`?`) in the
## provided `WHERE` clause.
var fetchStmt =
"SELECT " & columnNamesForModel(modelType).join(",") &
" FROM " & tableName(modelType) &
" WHERE " & whereClause
var countStmt =
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " & tableName(modelType) &
" WHERE " & whereClause
if page.isSome:
let p = page.get
if p.orderBy.isSome:
fetchStmt &= " ORDER BY " & p.orderBy.get
fetchStmt &= " ORDER BY id"
fetchStmt &= " LIMIT " & $p.pageSize &
" OFFSET " & $p.offset
log().debug "findRecordsWhere: [" & fetchStmt & "] values: (" & values.join(", ") & ")"
let records = db.getAllRows(sql(fetchStmt), values).mapIt(rowToModel(modelType, it))
pagination: page,
records: records,
if page.isNone: records.len
else: db.getRow(sql(countStmt), values)[0].parseInt)
template getAllRecords*(
db: DbConn,
modelType: type,
page: Option[PaginationParams]): untyped =
## Fetch all records of the given type.
var fetchStmt =
"SELECT " & columnNamesForModel(modelType).join(",") &
" FROM " & tableName(modelType)
var countStmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " & tableName(modelType)
if page.isSome:
let p = page.get
if p.orderBy.isSome:
fetchStmt &= " ORDER BY " & p.orderBy.get
fetchStmt &= " ORDER BY id"
fetchStmt &= " LIMIT " & $p.pageSize &
" OFFSET " & $p.offset
log().debug "getAllRecords: [" & fetchStmt & "]"
let records = db.getAllRows(sql(fetchStmt)).mapIt(rowToModel(modelType, it))
pagination: page,
records: records,
if page.isNone: records.len
else: db.getRow(sql(countStmt))[0].parseInt)
template findRecordsBy*(
db: DbConn,
modelType: type,
lookups: seq[tuple[field: string, value: string]],
page: Option[PaginationParams]): untyped =
## Find all records matching the provided lookup values.
let whereClause = lookups.mapIt(it.field & " = ?").join(" AND ")
let values = lookups.mapIt(it.value)
var fetchStmt =
"SELECT " & columnNamesForModel(modelType).join(",") &
" FROM " & tableName(modelType) &
" WHERE " & whereClause
var countStmt =
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " & tableName(modelType) &
" WHERE " & whereClause
if page.isSome:
let p = page.get
if p.orderBy.isSome:
fetchStmt &= " ORDER BY " & p.orderBy.get
fetchStmt &= " ORDER BY id"
fetchStmt &= " LIMIT " & $p.pageSize &
" OFFSET " & $p.offset
log().debug "findRecordsBy: [" & fetchStmt & "] values (" & values.join(", ") & ")"
let records = db.getAllRows(sql(fetchStmt), values).mapIt(rowToModel(modelType, it))
pagination: page,
records: records,
if page.isNone: records.len
else: db.getRow(sql(countStmt), values)[0].parseInt)
macro generateProcsForModels*(dbType: type, modelTypes: openarray[type]): untyped =
## Generate all standard access procedures for the given model types. For a
## `model class`_ named `TodoItem`, this will generate the following
## procedures:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## proc getTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, id: idType): TodoItem;
## proc getAllTodoItems*(db: TodoDB): TodoItem;
## proc createTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, rec: TodoItem): TodoItem;
## proc deleteTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, rec: TodoItem): bool;
## proc deleteTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, id: idType): bool;
## proc updateTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, rec: TodoItem): bool;
## proc findTodoItemsWhere*(
## db: TodoDB, whereClause: string, values: varargs[string]): TodoItem;
## `dbType` is expected to be some type that has a defined `withConn`
## procedure (see `Database Object`_ for details).
## .. _Database Object: #database-object
result = newStmtList()
for t in modelTypes:
let modelName = $(t.getType[1])
let getName = ident("get" & modelName)
let getAllName = ident("getAll" & pluralize(modelName))
let findWhereName = ident("find" & pluralize(modelName) & "Where")
let createName = ident("create" & modelName)
let updateName = ident("update" & modelName)
let deleteName = ident("delete" & modelName)
let idType = typeOfColumn(t, "id")
result.add quote do:
proc `getName`*(db: `dbType`, id: `idType`): `t` =
db.withConn: result = getRecord(conn, `t`, id)
proc `getAllName`*(db: `dbType`, pagination = none[PaginationParams]()): PagedRecords[`t`] =
db.withConn: result = getAllRecords(conn, `t`, pagination)
proc `findWhereName`*(
db: `dbType`,
whereClause: string,
values: varargs[string, dbFormat],
pagination = none[PaginationParams]()): PagedRecords[`t`] =
result = findRecordsWhere(conn, `t`, whereClause, values, pagination)
proc `createName`*(db: `dbType`, rec: `t`): `t` =
db.withConn: result = createRecord(conn, rec)
proc `updateName`*(db: `dbType`, rec: `t`): bool =
db.withConn: result = updateRecord(conn, rec)
proc `deleteName`*(db: `dbType`, rec: `t`): bool =
db.withConn: result = deleteRecord(conn, rec)
proc `deleteName`*(db: `dbType`, id: `idType`): bool =
db.withConn: result = deleteRecord(conn, `t`, id)
macro generateLookup*(dbType: type, modelType: type, fields: seq[string]): untyped =
## Create a lookup procedure for a given set of field names. For example,
## given the TODO database demostrated above,
## .. code-block:: Nim
## generateLookup(TodoDB, TodoItem, ["owner", "priority"])
## will generate the following procedure:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## proc findTodoItemsByOwnerAndPriority*(db: SampleDB,
## owner: string, priority: int): seq[TodoItem]
let fieldNames = fields[1].mapIt($it)
let procName = ident("find" & pluralize($modelType.getType[1]) & "By" & fieldNames.mapIt(it.capitalize).join("And"))
# Create proc skeleton
result = quote do:
proc `procName`*(db: `dbType`): PagedRecords[`modelType`] =
db.withConn: result = findRecordsBy(conn, `modelType`)
var callParams = quote do: @[]
# Add dynamic parameters for the proc definition and inner proc call
for n in fieldNames:
let paramTuple = newNimNode(nnkPar)
paramTuple.add(newColonExpr(ident("field"), newLit(identNameToDb(n))))
paramTuple.add(newColonExpr(ident("value"), ident(n)))
# Add the parameter to the outer call (the generated proc)
# result[3] is ProcDef -> [3]: FormalParams
result[3].add(newIdentDefs(ident(n), ident("string")))
# Build up the AST for the inner procedure call
# Add the optional pagination parameters to the generated proc definition
ident("pagination"), newEmptyNode(),
quote do: none[PaginationParams]()))
# Add the call params to the inner procedure call
# result[6][0][1][0][1] is
# ProcDef -> [6]: StmtList (body) -> [0]: Call ->
# [1]: StmtList (withConn body) -> [0]: Asgn (result =) ->
# [1]: Call (inner findRecords invocation)
result[6][0][1][0][1].add(quote do: pagination)
macro generateProcsForFieldLookups*(dbType: type, modelsAndFields: openarray[tuple[t: type, fields: seq[string]]]): untyped =
result = newStmtList()
for i in modelsAndFields:
var modelType = i[1][0]
let fieldNames = i[1][1][1].mapIt($it)
let procName = ident("find" & $modelType & "sBy" & fieldNames.mapIt(it.capitalize).join("And"))
# Create proc skeleton
let procDefAST = quote do:
proc `procName`*(db: `dbType`): PagedRecords[`modelType`] =
db.withConn: result = findRecordsBy(conn, `modelType`)
var callParams = quote do: @[]
# Add dynamic parameters for the proc definition and inner proc call
for n in fieldNames:
let paramTuple = newNimNode(nnkPar)
paramTuple.add(newColonExpr(ident("field"), newLit(identNameToDb(n))))
paramTuple.add(newColonExpr(ident("value"), ident(n)))
procDefAST[3].add(newIdentDefs(ident(n), ident("string")))
# Add the optional pagination parameters to the generated proc definition
ident("pagination"), newEmptyNode(),
quote do: none[PaginationParams]()))
procDefAST[6][0][1][0][1].add(quote do: pagination)
result.add procDefAST
proc initPool*(
connect: proc(): DbConn,
poolSize = 10,
hardCap = false,
healthCheckQuery = "SELECT 'true' AS alive"): DbConnPool =
## Initialize a new DbConnPool. See the `initDb` procedure in the `Example
## Fiber ORM Usage`_ for an example
## * `connect` must be a factory which creates a new `DbConn`.
## * `poolSize` sets the desired capacity of the connection pool.
## * `hardCap` defaults to `false`.
## When `false`, the pool can grow beyond the configured capacity, but will
## release connections down to the its capacity (no less than `poolSize`).
## When `true` the pool will not create more than its configured capacity.
## It a connection is requested, none are free, and the pool is at
## capacity, this will result in an Error being raised.
## * `healthCheckQuery` should be a simple and fast SQL query that the pool
## can use to test the liveliness of pooled connections.
## .. _Example Fiber ORM Usage: #basic-usage-example-fiber-orm-usage
connect: connect,
poolSize: poolSize,
hardCap: hardCap,
healthCheckQuery: healthCheckQuery))
template inTransaction*(db: DbConnPool, body: untyped) =
conn.exec(sql"BEGIN TRANSACTION")
raise getCurrentException()