Jonathan Bernard 3e19b3628d Use a connection provider rather than long-lived connections.
The previous implementation expected to work with a context object that
contained a field `conn` that represented a valid database connection.
However, this required the caller to manage the connection's lifecycle
(close, renew, etc.). Now we expect to receive a context object that
provides a `withConn` procedure or template that accepts a statement
block and provides a `conn` variable to that code block. For example:

    createRecord(db: DbContext): Record =
        # withConn must be defined for DbContext
          # conn must be injected into the statement block context
          conn.exec(sql("INSERT INTO..."))

In addition, this change provides a connection pooling mechanism
(`DbConnPool`) as a default implementation for this hypothetical
DbContext. There is also a new function `initPool` that will create an
DbConnPool instance.

Callers of this library can modify their DbContext objects to extend
DbConnPool or simply be a type alias of DbConnPool.
2022-02-07 11:38:37 -06:00

98 lines
2.7 KiB

import std/db_postgres, std/sequtils, std/strutils, std/sugar
import namespaced_logging
DbConnPoolConfig* = object
connect*: () -> DbConn
poolSize*: int
hardCap*: bool
healthCheckQuery*: string
PooledDbConn = ref object
conn: DbConn
id: int
free: bool
DbConnPool* = ref object
conns: seq[PooledDbConn]
cfg: DbConnPoolConfig
lastId: int
var logNs {.threadvar.}: LoggingNamespace
template log(): untyped =
if logNs.isNil: logNs = initLoggingNamespace(name = "fiber_orm/pool", level = lvlNotice)
proc initDbConnPool*(cfg: DbConnPoolConfig): DbConnPool =
log().debug("Initializing new pool (size: " & $cfg.poolSize)
result = DbConnPool(
conns: @[],
cfg: cfg)
proc newConn(pool: DbConnPool): PooledDbConn =
log().debug("Creating a new connection to add to the pool.")
pool.lastId += 1
let conn = pool.cfg.connect()
result = PooledDbConn(
conn: conn,
id: pool.lastId,
free: true)
proc maintain(pool: DbConnPool): void =
log().debug("Maintaining pool. $# connections." % [$pool.conns.len])
pool.conns.keepIf(proc (pc: PooledDbConn): bool =
if not return true
discard getRow(pc.conn, sql(pool.cfg.healthCheckQuery), [])
return true
try: pc.conn.close() # try to close the connection
except: discard ""
return false
"Pruned dead connections. $# connections remaining." %
let freeConns = pool.conns.filterIt(
if pool.conns.len > pool.cfg.poolSize and freeConns.len > 0:
let numToCull = min(freeConns.len, pool.conns.len - pool.cfg.poolSize)
let toCull = freeConns[0..numToCull]
pool.conns.keepIf((pc) => toCull.allIt( !=
for culled in toCull:
try: culled.conn.close()
except: discard ""
"Trimming pool size. Culled $# free connections. $# connections remaining." %
[$toCull.len, $pool.conns.len])
proc take*(pool: DbConnPool): tuple[id: int, conn: DbConn] =
let freeConns = pool.conns.filterIt(
"Providing a new connection ($# currently free)." % [$freeConns.len])
let reserved =
if freeConns.len > 0: freeConns[0]
else: pool.newConn() = false
log().debug("Reserve connection $#" % [$])
return (id:, conn: reserved.conn)
proc release*(pool: DbConnPool, connId: int): void =
log().debug("Reclaiming released connaction $#" % [$connId])
let foundConn = pool.conns.filterIt( == connId)
if foundConn.len > 0: foundConn[0].free = true
template withConn*(pool: DbConnPool, stmt: untyped): untyped =
let (connId, conn {.inject.}) = take(pool)
release(pool, connId)