Recognize versions of timestamps with 'T' as the date/time separator. For example, compare: '2021-08-01 23:14:00-05:00' '2021-08-01T23:14:00-05:00' This commit adds support for the second flavor (and it's variations).
329 lines
9.8 KiB
329 lines
9.8 KiB
import json, macros, options, sequtils, strutils, times, timeutils, unicode,
import nre except toSeq
MutateClauses* = object
columns*: seq[string]
placeholders*: seq[string]
values*: seq[string]
# TODO: more complete implementation
# see
proc pluralize*(name: string): string =
if name[^2..^1] == "ey": return name[0..^3] & "ies"
if name[^1] == 'y': return name[0..^2] & "ies"
return name & "s"
macro modelName*(model: object): string =
return newStrLitNode($model.getTypeInst)
macro modelName*(modelType: type): string =
return newStrLitNode($modelType.getType[1])
proc identNameToDb*(name: string): string =
const UNDERSCORE_RUNE = "_".toRunes[0]
let nameInRunes = name.toRunes
var prev: Rune
var resultRunes = newSeq[Rune]()
for cur in nameInRunes:
if resultRunes.len == 0:
elif isLower(prev) and isUpper(cur):
else: resultRunes.add(toLower(cur))
prev = cur
return $resultRunes
proc dbNameToIdent*(name: string): string =
let parts = name.split("_")
return @[parts[0]].concat(parts[1..^1].mapIt(capitalize(it))).join("")
proc tableName*(modelType: type): string =
return pluralize(modelName(modelType).identNameToDb)
proc tableName*[T](rec: T): string =
return pluralize(modelName(rec).identNameToDb)
proc dbFormat*(s: string): string = return s
proc dbFormat*(dt: DateTime): string = return dt.formatIso8601
proc dbFormat*[T](list: seq[T]): string =
return "{" & list.mapIt(dbFormat(it)).join(",") & "}"
proc dbFormat*[T](item: T): string = return $item
type DbArrayParseState = enum
expectStart, inQuote, inVal, expectEnd
proc parsePGDatetime*(val: string): DateTime =
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:sszz",
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.'fff",
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.'fffzz",
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.'fffzzz",
var correctedVal = val;
# PostgreSQL will truncate any trailing 0's in the millisecond value leading
# to values like `2020-01-01 16:42.3+00`. This cannot currently be parsed by
# the standard times format as it expects exactly three digits for
# millisecond values. So we have to detect this and pad out the millisecond
# value to 3 digits.
let PG_PARTIAL_FORMAT_REGEX = re"(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}( |'T')\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.)(\d{1,2})(\S+)?"
let match = val.match(PG_PARTIAL_FORMAT_REGEX)
if match.isSome:
let c = match.get.captures
if c.toSeq.len == 2: correctedVal = c[0] & alignLeft(c[2], 3, '0')
else: correctedVal = c[0] & alignLeft(c[2], 3, '0') & c[3]
var errStr = ""
# Try to parse directly using known format strings.
try: return correctedVal.parse(df)
except: errStr &= "\n\t" & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
raise newException(ValueError, "Cannot parse PG date. Tried:" & errStr)
proc parseDbArray*(val: string): seq[string] =
result = newSeq[string]()
var parseState = DbArrayParseState.expectStart
var curStr = ""
var idx = 1
var sawEscape = false
while idx < val.len - 1:
var curChar = val[idx]
idx += 1
case parseState:
of expectStart:
if curChar == ' ': continue
elif curChar == '"':
parseState = inQuote
parseState = inVal
of expectEnd:
if curChar == ' ': continue
elif curChar == ',':
curStr = ""
parseState = expectStart
of inQuote:
if curChar == '"' and not sawEscape:
parseState = expectEnd
of inVal:
if curChar == '"' and not sawEscape:
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid DB array value (cannot have '\"' in the middle of an unquoted string).")
elif curChar == ',':
curStr = ""
parseState = expectStart
# if we saw an escaped \", add just the ", otherwise add both
if sawEscape:
if curChar != '"': curStr.add('\\')
sawEscape = false
elif curChar == '\\':
sawEscape = true
else: curStr.add(curChar)
if not (parseState == inQuote) and curStr.len > 0:
proc createParseStmt*(t, value: NimNode): NimNode =
#echo "Creating parse statment for ", t.treeRepr
if t.typeKind == ntyObject:
if t.getType == UUID.getType:
result = quote do: parseUUID(`value`)
elif t.getType == DateTime.getType:
result = quote do: parsePGDatetime(`value`)
elif t.getTypeInst == Option.getType:
var innerType = t.getTypeImpl[2][0] # start at the first RecList
# If the value is a non-pointer type, there is another inner RecList
if innerType.kind == nnkRecList: innerType = innerType[0]
innerType = innerType[1] # now we can take the field type from the first symbol
let parseStmt = createParseStmt(innerType, value)
result = quote do:
if `value`.len == 0: none[`innerType`]()
else: some(`parseStmt`)
else: error "Unknown value object type: " & $t.getTypeInst
elif t.typeKind == ntyRef:
if $t.getTypeInst == "JsonNode":
result = quote do: parseJson(`value`)
error "Unknown ref type: " & $t.getTypeInst
elif t.typeKind == ntySequence:
let innerType = t[1]
let parseStmts = createParseStmt(innerType, ident("it"))
result = quote do: parseDbArray(`value`).mapIt(`parseStmts`)
elif t.typeKind == ntyString:
result = quote do: `value`
elif t.typeKind == ntyInt:
result = quote do: parseInt(`value`)
elif t.typeKind == ntyFloat:
result = quote do: parseFloat(`value`)
elif t.typeKind == ntyBool:
result = quote do: "true".startsWith(`value`.toLower)
elif t.typeKind == ntyEnum:
let innerType = t.getTypeInst
result = quote do: parseEnum[`innerType`](`value`)
error "Unknown value type: " & $t.typeKind
template walkFieldDefs*(t: NimNode, body: untyped) =
let tTypeImpl = t.getTypeImpl
var nodeToItr: NimNode
if tTypeImpl.typeKind == ntyObject: nodeToItr = tTypeImpl[2]
elif tTypeImpl.typeKind == ntyTypeDesc: nodeToItr = tTypeImpl.getType[1].getType[2]
else: error $t & " is not an object or type desc (it's a " & $tTypeImpl.typeKind & ")."
for fieldDef {.inject.} in nodeToItr.children:
# ignore AST nodes that are not field definitions
if fieldDef.kind == nnkIdentDefs:
let fieldIdent {.inject.} = fieldDef[0]
let fieldType {.inject.} = fieldDef[1]
elif fieldDef.kind == nnkSym:
let fieldIdent {.inject.} = fieldDef
let fieldType {.inject.} = fieldDef.getType
macro columnNamesForModel*(modelType: typed): seq[string] =
var columnNames = newSeq[string]()
result = newLit(columnNames)
macro rowToModel*(modelType: typed, row: seq[string]): untyped =
# Create the object constructor AST node
result = newNimNode(nnkObjConstr).add(modelType)
# Create new colon expressions for each of the property initializations
var idx = 0
let itemLookup = quote do: `row`[`idx`]
createParseStmt(fieldType, itemLookup)))
idx += 1
macro listFields*(t: typed): untyped =
var fields: seq[tuple[n: string, t: string]] = @[]
if fieldDef.kind == nnkSym: fields.add((n: $fieldIdent, t: fieldType.repr))
else: fields.add((n: $fieldIdent, t: $fieldType))
result = newLit(fields)
proc typeOfColumn*(modelType: NimNode, colName: string): NimNode =
if $fieldIdent != colName: continue
if fieldType.typeKind == ntyObject:
if fieldType.getType == UUID.getType: return ident("UUID")
elif fieldType.getType == DateTime.getType: return ident("DateTime")
elif fieldType.getType == Option.getType: return ident("Option")
else: error "Unknown column type: " & $fieldType.getTypeInst
else: return fieldType
raise newException(Exception,
"model of type '" & $modelType & "' has no column named '" & colName & "'")
proc isEmpty(val: int): bool = return val == 0
proc isEmpty(val: UUID): bool = return val.isZero
proc isEmpty(val: string): bool = return val.isEmptyOrWhitespace
macro populateMutateClauses*(t: typed, newRecord: bool, mc: var MutateClauses): untyped =
result = newStmtList()
# iterate over all the object's fields
# grab the field, it's string name, and it's type
let fieldName = $fieldIdent
# We only add clauses for the ID field if we're creating a new record and
# the caller provided a value..
if fieldName == "id":
result.add quote do:
if `newRecord` and not `t`.id.isEmpty:
# if we're looking at an optional field, add logic to check for presence
elif fieldType.kind == nnkBracketExpr and
fieldType.len > 0 and
fieldType[0] == Option.getType:
result.add quote do:
if isSome(`t`.`fieldIdent`):
# otherwise assume we can convert and go ahead.
result.add quote do: