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2022-09-02 23:25:52 -05:00
Fiber ORM
Lightweight ORM supporting the `Postgres`_ and `SQLite`_ databases in Nim.
It supports a simple, opinionated model mapper to generate SQL queries based
on Nim objects. It also includes a simple connection pooling implementation.
Fiber ORM is not intended to be a 100% all-cases-covered ORM that handles
every potential data access pattern one might wish to implement. It is best
thought of as a collection of common SQL generation patterns. It is intended
to cover 90% of the common queries and functions one might write when
implementing an SQL-based access layer. It is expected that there may be a
few more complicated queries that need to be implemented to handle specific
access patterns.
The simple mapping pattern provided by Fiber ORM also works well on top of
databases that encapsulate data access logic in SQL with, for example,
2022-09-02 23:25:52 -05:00
.. _Postgres:
.. _SQLite:
Basic Usage
Consider a simple TODO list application that keeps track of TODO items as
well as time logged against those items.
Example DB Schema
You might have a schema such as:
.. code-block:: SQL
create extension if not exists "pgcrypto";
create table todo_items columns (
id uuid not null primary key default gen_random_uuid(),
owner varchar not null,
summary varchar not null,
details varchar default null,
priority integer not null default 0,
related_todo_item_ids uuid[] not null default '{}'
create table time_entries columns (
id uuid not null primary key default gen_random_uuid(),
todo_item_id uuid not null references todo_items (id) on delete cascade,
start timestamp with timezone not null default current_timestamp,
stop timestamp with timezone default null,
Example Model Definitions
Models may be defined as:
.. code-block:: Nim
# models.nim
import std/[options, times]
import uuids
TodoItem* = object
id*: UUID
owner*: string
summary*: string
details*: Option[string]
priority*: int
relatedTodoItemIds*: seq[UUID]
TimeEntry* = object
id*: UUID
todoItemId*: Option[UUID]
start*: DateTime
stop*: Option[DateTime]
Example Fiber ORM Usage
Using Fiber ORM we can generate a data access layer with:
.. code-block:: Nim
# db.nim
import std/[options]
import db_connectors/db_postgres
import fiber_orm
import ./models.nim
type TodoDB* = DbConnPool
proc initDb*(connString: string): TodoDB =
result = fiber_orm.initPool(
connect = proc(): DbConn = open("", "", "", connString),
poolSize = 20,
hardCap = false)
generateProcsForModels(TodoDB, [TodoItem, TimeEntry])
generateLookup(TodoDB, TimeEntry, @["todoItemId"])
This will generate the following procedures:
.. code-block:: Nim
proc getTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, id: UUID): TodoItem;
proc getTodoItemIfItExists*(db: TodoDB, id: UUID): Option[TodoItem];
proc getAllTodoItems*(db: TodoDB): seq[TodoItem];
proc createTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, rec: TodoItem): TodoItem;
proc updateTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, rec: TodoItem): bool;
proc deleteTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, rec: TodoItem): bool;
proc deleteTodoItem*(db: TodoDB, id: UUID): bool;
proc findTodoItemsWhere*(db: TodoDB, whereClause: string,
values: varargs[string, dbFormat]): seq[TodoItem];
proc getTimeEntry*(db: TodoDB, id: UUID): TimeEntry;
proc getTimeEntryIfItExists*(db: TodoDB, id: UUID): Option[TimeEntry];
proc getAllTimeEntries*(db: TodoDB): seq[TimeEntry];
proc createTimeEntry*(db: TodoDB, rec: TimeEntry): TimeEntry;
proc updateTimeEntry*(db: TodoDB, rec: TimeEntry): bool;
proc deleteTimeEntry*(db: TodoDB, rec: TimeEntry): bool;
proc deleteTimeEntry*(db: TodoDB, id: UUID): bool;
proc findTimeEntriesWhere*(db: TodoDB, whereClause: string,
values: varargs[string, dbFormat]): seq[TimeEntry];
proc findTimeEntriesByTodoItemId(db: TodoDB, todoItemId: UUID): seq[TimeEntry];
2022-09-02 23:25:52 -05:00
Object-Relational Modeling
Model Class
Fiber ORM uses simple Nim `object`s and `ref object`s as model classes.
Fiber ORM expects there to be one table for each model class.
2022-09-02 23:25:52 -05:00
Name Mapping
2022-09-02 23:25:52 -05:00
Fiber ORM uses `snake_case` for database identifiers (column names, table
names, etc.) and `camelCase` for Nim identifiers. We automatically convert
model names to and from table names (`TodoItem` <-> `todo_items`), as well
as column names (`userId` <-> `user_id`).
Notice that table names are automatically pluralized from model class names.
In the above example, you have:
=========== ================
Model Class Table Name
=========== ================
TodoItem todo_items
TimeEntry time_entries
=========== ================
Because Nim is style-insensitive, you can generall refer to model classes
and fields using `snake_case`, `camelCase`, or `PascalCase` in your code and
expect Fiber ORM to be able to map the names to DB identifier names properly
(though FiberORM will always use `camelCase` internally).
See the `identNameToDb`_, `dbNameToIdent`_, `tableName`_ and `dbFormat`_
procedures in the `fiber_orm/util`_ module for details.
.. _identNameToDb: fiber_orm/util.html#identNameToDb,string
.. _dbNameToIdent: fiber_orm/util.html#dbNameToIdent,string
.. _tableName: fiber_orm/util.html#tableName,type
.. _dbFormat: fiber_orm/util.html#dbFormat,DateTime
.. _util: fiber_orm/util.html
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ID Field
Fiber ORM expects every model class to have a field named `id`, with a
corresponding `id` column in the model table. This field must be either a
`string`, `integer`, or `UUID`_.
When creating a new record the `id` field will be omitted if it is empty
(`Option.isNone`_, `UUID.isZero`_, value of `0`, or only whitespace). This
is intended to allow for cases like the example where the database may
generate an ID when a new record is inserted. If a non-zero value is
provided, the create call will include the `id` field in the `INSERT` query.
For example, to allow the database to create the id:
.. code-block:: Nim
let item = TodoItem(
owner: "John Mann",
summary: "Create a grocery list.",
details: none[string](),
priority: 0,
relatedTodoItemIds: @[])
let itemWithId = db.createTodoItem(item)
echo $ # generated in the database
And to create it in code:
.. code-block:: Nim
import uuids
let item = TodoItem(
id: genUUID(),
owner: "John Mann",
summary: "Create a grocery list.",
details: none[string](),
priority: 0,
relatedTodoItemIds: @[])
let itemInDb = db.createTodoItem(item)
echo $ # will be the same as what was provided
.. _Option.isNone:,Option[T]
.. _UUID.isZero:
2022-09-02 23:25:52 -05:00
Supported Data Types
The following Nim data types are supported by Fiber ORM:
=============== ====================== =================
Nim Type Postgres Type SQLite Type
=============== ====================== =================
`string` `varchar`_
`int` `integer`_
`float` `double`_
`bool` `boolean`_
`DateTime`_ `timestamp`_
`seq[]` `array`_
`UUID`_ `uuid (pg)`_
`Option`_ *allows* `NULL` [#f1]_
`JsonNode`_ `jsonb`_
=============== ====================== =================
.. [#f1] Note that this implies that all `NULL`-able fields should be typed
as optional using `Option[fieldType]`. Conversely, any fields with
non-optional types should also be constrained to be `NOT NULL` in
the database schema.
.. _DateTime:
.. _UUID:
.. _Option:
.. _JsonNode:
.. _varchar:
.. _integer:
.. _double:
.. _boolean:
.. _timestamp:
.. _array:
.. _uuid (pg):
.. _jsonb:
2022-09-02 23:25:52 -05:00
Database Object
Many of the Fiber ORM macros expect a database object type to be passed.
In the example above the `pool.DbConnPool`_ object is used as database
object type (aliased as `TodoDB`). This is the intended usage pattern, but
anything can be passed as the database object type so long as there is a
defined `withConn` template that provides an injected `conn: DbConn` object
to the provided statement body.
For example, a valid database object implementation that opens a new
connection for every request might look like this:
.. code-block:: Nim
import std/db_postgres
type TodoDB* = object
connString: string
template withConn*(db: TodoDB, stmt: untyped): untyped =
let conn {.inject.} = open("", "", "", db.connString)
try: stmt
finally: close(conn)
.. _pool.DbConnPool: fiber_orm/pool.html#DbConnPool