318 lines
9.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import json, macros, options, sequtils, strutils, times, timeutils, unicode,
import nre except toSeq
const UNDERSCORE_RUNE = "_".toRunes[0]
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:sszz",
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.'fffzz"
var PG_PARTIAL_FORMAT_REGEX = re"(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.)(\d{1,3})(\S+)?"
MutateClauses* = object
columns*: seq[string]
placeholders*: seq[string]
values*: seq[string]
# TODO: more complete implementation
# see https://github.com/blakeembrey/pluralize
proc pluralize*(name: string): string =
if name[^2..^1] == "ey": return name[0..^3] & "ies"
if name[^1] == 'y': return name[0..^2] & "ies"
return name & "s"
macro modelName*(model: object): string =
return newStrLitNode($model.getTypeInst)
macro modelName*(modelType: type): string =
return newStrLitNode($modelType.getType[1])
proc identNameToDb*(name: string): string =
let nameInRunes = name.toRunes
var prev: Rune
var resultRunes = newSeq[Rune]()
for cur in nameInRunes:
if resultRunes.len == 0:
elif isLower(prev) and isUpper(cur):
else: resultRunes.add(toLower(cur))
prev = cur
return $resultRunes
proc dbNameToIdent*(name: string): string =
let parts = name.split("_")
return @[parts[0]].concat(parts[1..^1].mapIt(capitalize(it))).join("")
proc tableName*(modelType: type): string =
return pluralize(modelName(modelType).identNameToDb)
proc tableName*[T](rec: T): string =
return pluralize(modelName(rec).identNameToDb)
proc dbFormat*(s: string): string = return s
proc dbFormat*(dt: DateTime): string = return dt.formatIso8601
proc dbFormat*[T](list: seq[T]): string =
return "{" & list.mapIt(dbFormat(it)).join(",") & "}"
proc dbFormat*[T](item: T): string = return $item
type DbArrayParseState = enum
expectStart, inQuote, inVal, expectEnd
proc parsePGDatetime*(val: string): DateTime =
var errStr = ""
# Try to parse directly using known format strings.
try: return val.parse(df)
except: errStr &= "\n\t" & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
# PostgreSQL will truncate any trailing 0's in the millisecond value leading
# to values like `2020-01-01 16:42.3+00`. This cannot currently be parsed by
# the standard times format as it expects exactly three digits for
# millisecond values. So we have to detect this and pad out the millisecond
# value to 3 digits.
let match = val.match(PG_PARTIAL_FORMAT_REGEX)
if match.isSome:
let c = match.get.captures
let corrected = c[0] & alignLeft(c[1], 3, '0') & c[2]
return corrected.parse(PG_TIMESTAMP_FORMATS[1])
errStr &= "\n\t" & PG_TIMESTAMP_FORMATS[1] &
" after padding out milliseconds to full 3-digits"
raise newException(ValueError, "Cannot parse PG date. Tried:" & errStr)
proc parseDbArray*(val: string): seq[string] =
result = newSeq[string]()
var parseState = DbArrayParseState.expectStart
var curStr = ""
var idx = 1
var sawEscape = false
while idx < val.len - 1:
var curChar = val[idx]
idx += 1
case parseState:
of expectStart:
if curChar == ' ': continue
elif curChar == '"':
parseState = inQuote
parseState = inVal
of expectEnd:
if curChar == ' ': continue
elif curChar == ',':
curStr = ""
parseState = expectStart
of inQuote:
if curChar == '"' and not sawEscape:
parseState = expectEnd
of inVal:
if curChar == '"' and not sawEscape:
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid DB array value (cannot have '\"' in the middle of an unquoted string).")
elif curChar == ',':
curStr = ""
parseState = expectStart
# if we saw an escaped \", add just the ", otherwise add both
if sawEscape:
if curChar != '"': curStr.add('\\')
sawEscape = false
elif curChar == '\\':
sawEscape = true
else: curStr.add(curChar)
if not (parseState == inQuote) and curStr.len > 0:
proc createParseStmt*(t, value: NimNode): NimNode =
#echo "Creating parse statment for ", t.treeRepr
if t.typeKind == ntyObject:
if t.getType == UUID.getType:
result = quote do: parseUUID(`value`)
elif t.getType == DateTime.getType:
result = quote do: parsePGDatetime(`value`)
elif t.getTypeInst == Option.getType:
var innerType = t.getTypeImpl[2][0] # start at the first RecList
# If the value is a non-pointer type, there is another inner RecList
if innerType.kind == nnkRecList: innerType = innerType[0]
innerType = innerType[1] # now we can take the field type from the first symbol
let parseStmt = createParseStmt(innerType, value)
result = quote do:
if `value`.len == 0: none[`innerType`]()
else: some(`parseStmt`)
else: error "Unknown value object type: " & $t.getTypeInst
elif t.typeKind == ntyRef:
if $t.getTypeInst == "JsonNode":
result = quote do: parseJson(`value`)
error "Unknown ref type: " & $t.getTypeInst
elif t.typeKind == ntySequence:
let innerType = t[1]
let parseStmts = createParseStmt(innerType, ident("it"))
result = quote do: parseDbArray(`value`).mapIt(`parseStmts`)
elif t.typeKind == ntyString:
result = quote do: `value`
elif t.typeKind == ntyInt:
result = quote do: parseInt(`value`)
elif t.typeKind == ntyBool:
result = quote do: "true".startsWith(`value`.toLower)
2020-01-02 18:55:38 -06:00
elif t.typeKind == ntyEnum:
let innerType = t.getTypeInst
result = quote do: parseEnum[`innerType`](`value`)
error "Unknown value type: " & $t.typeKind
template walkFieldDefs*(t: NimNode, body: untyped) =
let tTypeImpl = t.getTypeImpl
var nodeToItr: NimNode
if tTypeImpl.typeKind == ntyObject: nodeToItr = tTypeImpl[2]
elif tTypeImpl.typeKind == ntyTypeDesc: nodeToItr = tTypeImpl.getType[1].getType[2]
else: error $t & " is not an object or type desc (it's a " & $tTypeImpl.typeKind & ")."
for fieldDef {.inject.} in nodeToItr.children:
# ignore AST nodes that are not field definitions
if fieldDef.kind == nnkIdentDefs:
let fieldIdent {.inject.} = fieldDef[0]
let fieldType {.inject.} = fieldDef[1]
elif fieldDef.kind == nnkSym:
let fieldIdent {.inject.} = fieldDef
let fieldType {.inject.} = fieldDef.getType
macro columnNamesForModel*(modelType: typed): seq[string] =
var columnNames = newSeq[string]()
result = newLit(columnNames)
macro rowToModel*(modelType: typed, row: seq[string]): untyped =
# Create the object constructor AST node
result = newNimNode(nnkObjConstr).add(modelType)
# Create new colon expressions for each of the property initializations
var idx = 0
let itemLookup = quote do: `row`[`idx`]
createParseStmt(fieldType, itemLookup)))
idx += 1
macro listFields*(t: typed): untyped =
var fields: seq[tuple[n: string, t: string]] = @[]
if fieldDef.kind == nnkSym: fields.add((n: $fieldIdent, t: fieldType.repr))
else: fields.add((n: $fieldIdent, t: $fieldType))
result = newLit(fields)
proc typeOfColumn*(modelType: NimNode, colName: string): NimNode =
if $fieldIdent != colName: continue
if fieldType.typeKind == ntyObject:
if fieldType.getType == UUID.getType: return ident("UUID")
elif fieldType.getType == DateTime.getType: return ident("DateTime")
elif fieldType.getType == Option.getType: return ident("Option")
else: error "Unknown column type: " & $fieldType.getTypeInst
else: return fieldType
raise newException(Exception,
"model of type '" & $modelType & "' has no column named '" & colName & "'")
proc isEmpty(val: int): bool = return val == 0
proc isEmpty(val: UUID): bool = return val.isZero
proc isEmpty(val: string): bool = return val.isNilOrWhitespace
macro populateMutateClauses*(t: typed, newRecord: bool, mc: var MutateClauses): untyped =
result = newStmtList()
# iterate over all the object's fields
# grab the field, it's string name, and it's type
let fieldName = $fieldIdent
# We only add clauses for the ID field if we're creating a new record and
# the caller provided a value..
if fieldName == "id":
result.add quote do:
if `newRecord` and not `t`.id.isEmpty:
# if we're looking at an optional field, add logic to check for presence
elif fieldType.kind == nnkBracketExpr and
fieldType.len > 0 and
fieldType[0] == Option.getType:
result.add quote do:
if isSome(`t`.`fieldIdent`):
# otherwise assume we can convert and go ahead.
result.add quote do: