Day 1: Snake
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<!doctype html>
<script src="snake.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
<input id=rows type=text placeholder="Rows" value=20>
<input id=cols type=text placeholder="Columns" value=20>
<label>Speed (higher = faster)</label>
<input id=fps type=text placeholder="Speed (higher = faster)" value=10>
<input id=reset type=button value="Apply">
<canvas id=gameCanvas width=600 height=600></canvas>
<script type="application/javascript">
var canvas = document.getElementById("gameCanvas");
var resetButton = document.getElementById("reset");
Snake.initialize({ canvas: canvas,
keyContext: window,
rows: parseInt(document.getElementById("rows").value),
cols: parseInt(document.getElementById("cols").value),
fps: parseInt(document.getElementById("fps").value)});
resetButton.onclick = function() {
Snake.initialize({ canvas: canvas,
keyContext: window,
rows: parseInt(document.getElementById("rows").value),
cols: parseInt(document.getElementById("cols").value),
fps: parseInt(document.getElementById("fps").value)}); };
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
(function() {
var S = window.Snake = {};
var ROWS = S.ROWS = 50;
var COLS = S.COLS = 50;
var board;
var body = new Array();
var headCur = coord2idx(Math.floor((ROWS - 1) / 2), Math.floor((COLS - 1) / 2));
var direction = 1;
var g = S.graphicsContext = null;
var canvas = S.canvas = null;
var cellWidth, cellHeight;
var foodEaten = false;
var dead = true;
var skipTicks;
var nextGameTick;
var cmdQueue = new Array();
function coord2idx(row, col) { return (COLS * row) + col; }
function idx2row(idx) { return Math.floor(idx/COLS); }
function idx2col(idx) { return idx % COLS; }
function initialize(options) { //givenCanvas, keyContext, fps) {
if (!options.canvas) {
alert("Missing the canvas element.");
return false }
canvas = options.canvas;
g = S.graphicsContext = canvas.getContext("2d");
if (options.rows) S.ROWS = ROWS = options.rows;
if (options.cols) S.COLS = COLS = options.cols;
board = new Array(ROWS * COLS);
cellWidth = canvas.width / COLS;
cellHeight = canvas.height / ROWS;
if (options.keyContext) options.keyContext.onkeydown = handleKey;
else canvas.onkeydown = handleKey;
g.fillStyle = "white";
g.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
g.font = "24px sans-serif";
g.fillStyle = "black";
g.fillText("Press Enter to begin.", 50, Math.floor(canvas.height/2), canvas.width - 100);
if (options.fps) skipTicks = Math.ceil(1000 / options.fps);
else skipTicks = 150; }
function startGame(canvas, keyContext) {
while (body.length > 0) body.pop();
while (cmdQueue.length > 0) cmdQueue.pop();
headCur = coord2idx(Math.floor((ROWS - 1) / 2), Math.floor((COLS - 1) / 2));
direction = 1;
dead = false;
nextGameTick = (new Date).getTime() + skipTicks;
// Wipe the board and draw the walls.
var i;
for (i = 0; i < board.length; i++ ) {
if (Math.floor(i / COLS) == 0 || (i % COLS) == 0) board[i] = 'W';
else if (Math.floor(i / COLS) == (ROWS - 1) ||
(i % COLS) == (COLS - 1)) board[i] = 'W';
else board[i] = ''; }
// Write the initial body segment onto the board.
board[headCur] = 'S';
// Create a new food item and add it to the board.
board[newFoodLocation()] = 'F';
// Draw the board
for (i = 0; i < board.length; i++) { paintIdx(i); }
gameLoop(); }
function gameLoop() {
if (dead) return // break the callback loop
if ((new Date).getTime() > nextGameTick) {
nextGameTick += skipTicks; }
requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop); }
// For this game I want the game logic and the refresh rate to be tied
// together. The snake moves on step per animation frame. We do limit the
// animation frame to 1fps. This works because there are no other elements
// being animated other than the snake.
function updateAndDraw() {
if (!g) return false;
foodEaten = false;
// 1. Read up to one command from the user.
if (cmdQueue.length > 0) {
var cmd = cmdQueue.shift();
if (cmd == 37) direction = -1; // Left
else if (cmd == 38) direction = -COLS; // Up
else if (cmd == 39) direction = 1; // Right
else if (cmd == 40) direction = COLS; /* Down */ }
// 2. Find the head's next spot.
headCur = headCur + direction;
// 3. First check to see if we've eaten food (since it will affect
// collision detection for the body). This is also where growth
// happens via not moving the tail.
if (board[headCur] == 'F') foodEaten = true;
// 4. Remove the tail.
if (!foodEaten) {
var tailIdx = body.shift();
// Value on the board doesn't matter, just not W,S, or F
board[tailIdx] = '';
paintIdx(tailIdx); }
// 5. Detect wall and snake collisions
if (board[headCur] == 'W' || board[headCur] == 'S') {
die(); return }
// 6. Move the head
board[headCur] = 'S';
// 7. Create more food if needed.
if (foodEaten) {
var foodLoc = newFoodLocation();
board[foodLoc] = 'F';
paintIdx(foodLoc); } }
function newFoodLocation() {
var emptySpaces = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++)
if (board[i] != 'W' && board[i] != 'S')
return emptySpaces[Math.floor(Math.random() * emptySpaces.length)] }
function die() {
paintIdxColor(headCur, "red");
dead = true;
//g.fillStyle = "white";
//g.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
g.font = "24px sans-serif";
g.fillStyle = "red";
g.fillText("Press Enter to retry.", 50, Math.floor(canvas.height/2), canvas.width - 100); }
function handleKey(ke) {
var key = ke.keyCode ? ke.keyCode : ke.which;
// Enter, start a new game.
if (key == 13) startGame();
// Queue directions in the command queue
else if ((key > 36) && (key < 41)) cmdQueue.push(key); }
function paintCoord(row, col) {
var idx = coord2idx(row, col);
if (board[idx] == 'W') g.fillStyle = "black";
else if (board[idx] == 'F') g.fillStyle = "yellow";
else if (board[idx] == 'S') g.fillStyle = "blue";
else g.fillStyle = "white";
g.fillRect(col, row, cellWidth, cellHeight); }
function paintIdxColor(idx, color) {
g.fillStyle = color;
(idx % COLS) * cellWidth,
Math.floor(idx / COLS) * cellHeight,
cellWidth, cellHeight); }
function paintIdx(idx) {
if (board[idx] == 'W') g.fillStyle = "black";
else if (board[idx] == 'F') g.fillStyle = "yellow";
else if (board[idx] == 'S') g.fillStyle = "blue";
else g.fillStyle = "white";
(idx % COLS) * cellWidth,
Math.floor(idx / COLS) * cellHeight,
cellWidth, cellHeight); }
S.initialize = initialize;
// Exports for debugging
S.board = board;
S.body = body;
S.updateAndDraw = updateAndDraw;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user