Initial commit.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Bernard 2022-01-22 18:50:29 -06:00
commit 3777e3dbbd
13 changed files with 362 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

0 Normal file
View File

buffoonery.nimble Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Package
version = "0.1.0"
author = "Jonathan Bernard"
description = "JDB Software's opinionated extensions and auth layer for Jester."
license = "MIT"
srcDir = "src"
# Dependencies
requires "nim >= 1.6.2"
requires @["bcrypt", "jester >= 0.5.0", "uuids"]
requires ""
requires ""
task unittest, "Runs the unit test suite.":
exec "nim c -r test/runner"

src/buffoonery.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# This is just an example to get you started. A typical library package
# exports the main API in this file. Note that you cannot rename this file
# but you can remove it if you wish.
proc add*(x, y: int): int =
## Adds two files together.
return x + y

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
from strutils import isEmptyOrWhitespace
from httpclient import HttpCode
type ApiError* = object of CatchableError
respMsg*: string
respCode*: HttpCode
proc newApiError*(parent: ref Exception = nil, respCode: HttpCode, respMsg: string, msg = ""): ref ApiError =
result = newException(ApiError, msg, parent)
result.respCode = respCode
result.respMsg = respMsg
proc raiseApiError*(respCode: HttpCode, respMsg: string, msg = "") =
var apiError = newApiError(
parent = nil,
respCode = respCode,
respMsg = respMsg,
msg = if msg.isEmptyOrWhitespace: respMsg
else: msg)
raise apiError
proc raiseApiError*(parent: ref Exception, respCode: HttpCode, respMsg: string, msg = "") =
var apiError = newApiError(
parent = parent,
respCode = respCode,
respMsg = respMsg,
msg = msg)
raise apiError

src/buffoonery/auth.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
import std/httpclient, std/json, std/logging, std/options, std/sequtils,
std/strutils, std/tables, std/times
import jester, namespaced_logging
import jwt_full, jwt_full/encoding
import ./jsonutils
AuthError* = object of CatchableError
ApiAuthContext* = ref object
cookiePrefix*: string ## Prefix for the user and session cookies
validAudiences*: seq[string] ## Expected audience values for for `aud` JWT check
issuer*: string ## The JWT issuer for tokens created by this API
trustedIssuers*: seq[string] ## The list of trusted OAuth 2.0 issuers
signingKid*: string
## The key id to use for signing JWT tokens created by this API. The JWK
## representing this signing key with the private or secret key value
## must be provided either when the ApiAuthContext is initialized (see
## `initApiAuthContext` or via `addSigningKeys`
issuerKeys: TableRef[string, JwkSet]
var logNs {.threadvar.}: LoggingNamespace
template log(): untyped =
if logNs.isNil: logNs = initLoggingNamespace("buffoonery/auth", lvlDebug)
proc failAuth*(reason: string, parentException: ref Exception = nil) =
raise newException(AuthError, reason, parentException)
proc validateSigningKey(k: JWK): void =
if k.alg.isNone: failAuth "JWK is missing 'alg'"
if k.kid.isNone: failAuth "JWK is missing 'kid'"
proc initApiAuthContext*(
cookiePrefix: string,
validAudiences: seq[string],
issuer: string,
trustedIssuers: seq[string],
signingKid: string,
signingKeys: JwkSet): ApiAuthContext =
for k in signingKeys: validateSigningKey(k)
result = ApiAuthContext(
cookiePrefix: cookiePrefix,
validAudiences: validAudiences,
issuer: issuer,
trustedIssuers: trustedIssuers,
signingKid: signingKid,
issuerKeys: newTable[string, JwkSet]([(issuer, signingKeys)]))
proc fetchJWKs(openIdConfigUrl: string): JwkSet {.gcsafe.} =
## Fetch signing keys for an OAuth issuer. `openIdConfigUrl` is expected to
## be a well-known URL (ISSUER_BASE/.well-known/openid-configuration)
let http = newHttpClient()
# Inspect the OAuth metadata via the well-known address.
log.debug "fetchJwks: Fetching metadata from " & openIdConfigUrl
let metadata = parseJson(http.getContent(openIdConfigUrl))
# Fetch the keys from the jwk_keys URI.
let jwksKeysURI = metadata.getOrFail("jwks_uri").getStr
debug "fetchJwks: Fetching JWKs from " & jwksKeysURI
let jwksKeys = parseJson(http.getContent(jwksKeysURI))
# Parse and load the keys provided.
return initJwkSet(jwksKeys)
log.error "unable to fetch issuer signing keys: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
failAuth "unable to fetch isser signing keys"
proc addSigningKeys*(ctx: ApiAuthContext, issuer: string, keySet: JwkSet): void =
## Manually add a set of signing keys associated with a given issuer.
for k in keySet: validateSigningKey(k)
if ctx.issuerKeys.isNil: ctx.issuerKeys = newTable[string, JwkSet]()
ctx.issuerKeys[issuer] = keySet
log.error "unable to add a set of signing keys: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
raise getCurrentException()
proc findSigningKey*(ctx: ApiAuthContext, jwt: JWT, allowFetch = true): JWK {.gcsafe.} =
## Lookup the signing key for a given JWT. This method assumes that you trust
## the issuer named in the JWT.
if failAuth "Missing 'iss' claim."
if jwt.header.kid.isNone: failAuth "Missing 'kid' header."
if ctx.issuerKeys.isNil: ctx.issuerKeys = newTable[string, JwkSet]()
let jwtIssuer =
# Do we already have keys for this issuer in our cache?
if ctx.issuerKeys.hasKey(jwtIssuer):
# Do we have the key for this keyId?
let foundKeys = ctx.issuerKeys[jwtIssuer]
.filterIt(it.kid.isSome and it.kid.get == jwt.header.kid.get)
if foundKeys.len == 1: return foundKeys[0]
# If all of the above were true, we should have returned. If we reach this
# point, we know that one of the above was false and we need to refresh our
# cache of keys.
if allowFetch:
ctx.issuerKeys[jwtIssuer] =
fetchJWKs(jwtIssuer & "/.well-known/openid-configuration")
return ctx.findSigningKey(jwt, false)
else: failAuth "unable to find JWT signing key"
log.error "unable to find JWT signing key: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
failAuth("unable to find JWT signing key", getCurrentException())
proc validateJWT*(ctx: ApiAuthContext, jwt: JWT) =
## Given a JWT, validate that it is a well-formed JWT, validate the issuer's
## signature on the token, and validate all the claims that it preesnts.
log.debug "Validating JWT: " & $jwt
if failAuth "Missing 'iss' claim."
let jwtIssuer =
if not ctx.trustedIssuers.contains(jwtIssuer):
failAuth "JWT is issued by $# but we only trust $#" %
[jwtIssuer, $ctx.trustedIssuers]
if jwt.header.alg.isNone: failAuth "Missing 'alg' header property."
if or
not ctx.validAudiences.contains(
failAuth "JWT is not for us (invalid audience)."
failAuth "Issuer is trusted, but the token is not for the expected audience."
let signingAlgorithm = jwt.header.alg.get
if not SUPPORTED_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS.contains(signingAlgorithm):
failAuth "unacceptable signature algorithm: " & $signingAlgorithm
sigAlg = signingAlgorithm,
key = ctx.findSigningKey(jwt),
validateTimeClaims = true)
failAuth(getCurrentExceptionMsg(), getCurrentException())
proc extractValidJwt*(ctx: ApiAuthContext, req: Request): JWT =
## Extracts a valid JWT representing the user's authentication and
## authorization details, if present. If there are no valid credentials an
## exception is raised.
## We support two authentication flows:
## - Strict API via a JWT Bearer token in the Authorization header. This is
## intended for API consumers (not the browser-based web-app). In this
## case, the token is validated directly.
## - Split JWT via two cookies:
## - `${cookiePrefix}-user`: Contains the JWT header and payload, but not the
## signature. This cookie is set Secure. The JWT payload contains a 30
## minute expiry (and the Max-Age is set the same) and also contains a
## CSRF token. This cookie is accessible by the web application.
## - `${cookiePrefix}-session`: Contains the JWT signature. This cookie is
## set Secure and HttpOnly. This serves as the session token (when the
## user closes the browser this gets unset).
## In this split-cookie mode, the API will also check for the presence of a
## CSRF token on any mutation requests (PUT, POST, and DELETE requests).
## The client must set the X-CSRF-TOKEN header with the same CSRF value
## present in the `csrfToken` claim in the JWT presented in the
## `${cookiePrefix}-user` cookie.
if headers(req).hasKey("Authorization"):
# Using a Bearer token.
result = toJWT(headers(req)["Authorization"][7..^1])
# Using a user/session cookie pair
let userCookieName = ctx.cookiePrefix & "-user"
let sessionCookieName = ctx.cookiePrefix & "-session"
if not cookies(req).hasKey(userCookieName):
failAuth "missing cookie '$#'" % userCookieName
if not cookies(req).hasKey(sessionCookieName):
failAuth "missing cookie '$#'" % sessionCookieName
let userVal = cookies(req)[userCookieName]
let sessionVal = cookies(req)[sessionCookieName]
result = toJWT(userVal & "." & sessionVal)
# Because this is a web session, check that the CSRF is present and
# matches.
if not headers(req).hasKey("X-CSRF-TOKEN") or
failAuth "missing CSRF token"
if headers(req)["X-CSRF-TOKEN"] !=["csrfToken"].get.getStr(""):
failAuth "invalid CSRF token"
failAuth(getCurrentExceptionMsg(), getCurrentException())
proc createSignedJWT*(ctx: ApiAuthContext, claims: JsonNode, kid: string): JWT =
## Given a set of claims, create a JWT using the given key for our issuer
## (as defined in the ApiAuthContext). This is an opinionated method that
## chooses the signing algorithm,
let foundKeys = ctx.issuerKeys[ctx.issuer]
.filterIt(it.kid.isSome and it.kid.get == kid)
if foundKeys.len != 1:
failAuth "cannot create signed JWT, unable to find key for kid " & kid
let sigKey = foundKeys[0]
result = createSignedJwt(
"alg": sigKey.alg.get,
"typ": "JWT",
"kid": sigKey.kid.get }),
proc newApiAccessToken*(ctx: ApiAuthContext, sub: string, duration = 1.hours): JWT =
result = ctx.createSignedJWT(
"sub": sub,
"iss": ctx.issuer,
"iat": now(),
"aud": ctx.issuer,
"exp": (now() + duration) },

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
## JSON parsing utils
import json, times, timeutils, uuids
proc getOrFail*(n: JsonNode, key: string): JsonNode =
## convenience method to get a key from a JObject or raise an exception
if not n.hasKey(key):
raise newException(ValueError, "missing key '" & key & "'")
return n[key]
proc parseUUID*(n: JsonNode, key: string): UUID =
return parseUUID(n.getOrFail(key).getStr)
proc parseIso8601*(n: JsonNode, key: string): DateTime =
return parseIso8601(n.getOrFail(key).getStr)
proc parseMonth*(n: JsonNode, key: string): DateTime =
return parse(n.getOrFail(key).getStr, MONTH_FORMAT)
proc formatMonth*(dt: DateTime): string =
return dt.format(MONTH_FORMAT)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import logging, os, sequtils, strutils
proc enableConsoleLoggingWithEnvVar*(envVar = "DEBUG"): void =
let val = getEnv(envVar, "false").toLower()
if ("true".startsWith(val) or
"yes".startsWith(val) or
"on".startsWith(val) or
val == "1") and
not logging.getHandlers().anyIt(typeof(it) is ConsoleLogger):
logging.addHandler(newConsoleLogger(levelThreshold = lvlDebug))

test/config.nims Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
switch("path", "../src")
switch("verbosity", "0")

test/runner Executable file

Binary file not shown.

test/runner.nim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import unittest
import ./tauth, ./tjson_util

test/tauth.nim Normal file
View File

test/tjsonutils.nim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import json, times, unittest, uuids
import buffoonery/jsonutils
suite "jsonutils":
let n = %*{
"numVal": 12345,
"strVal": "Test string",
"uuid": $genUUID(),
"isoDate": "2021-07-19T16:20:32+00:00",
"month": "2021-07"
test "getOrFail":
n.getOrFail("strVal").getStr == "Test string"
n.getOrFail("numVal").getInt == 12345
discard n.getOrFail("missingVal")
test "parseMonth":
check n.parseMonth("month") == "2021-07".parse(MONTH_FORMAT)