53 lines
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53 lines
1.7 KiB
module triangularPrism(angle, side1, side2, height) {
polygon(points = [[0, 0], [0, side1], [side2 * sin(angle), side2 * cos(angle)]]);
module arcCylinder(outerRadius, height, degrees, innerRadius = 0, center = false) {
epsilon = 0.01;
degToCut = 360 - (degrees % 360);
triDeg = degToCut % 60;
triSideLen = (outerRadius + epsilon) / cos(triDeg / 2);
fullTriSide = (outerRadius + epsilon) / cos(30);
numFullTriangles = floor(degToCut / 60);
difference() {
// Main cylinder body
cylinder(h=height, r=outerRadius);
// Exclusion
translate([0, 0, -1*epsilon]) union() {
// Inner cylinder (to form hole creating the wall)
if (innerRadius > 0) {
cylinder(h=height + 2*epsilon, r=max(0, innerRadius));
// Partial circle cut-out
if (degToCut < 360) {
rotate([0, 0, -90 - 60 * numFullTriangles]) union() {
// All 60-degree cuts get an eqilateral triangle.
if (degToCut >= 60) {
for (i = [1:numFullTriangles]) {
// rotate([-60 * i, 0, 0]) mirror([0, 1, 0]) cube([cubeSideLen, cubeSideLen, height + 2*epsilon]);
rotate([0, 0, 60 * i]) triangularPrism(
angle = 60.1,
side1 = fullTriSide,
side2 = fullTriSide,
height = height + 2*epsilon);
// Cut out the remaining angle with a triangular prism
rotate([0, 0, 0.1]) triangularPrism(
angle = triDeg + 0.1,
side1 = triSideLen,
side2 = triSideLen,
height = height + 2*epsilon);