2021-10-30 22:42:00 -05:00
import std/httpclient, std/json, std/logging, std/options, std/sequtils,
std/strutils, std/times
import timeutils
2021-11-07 07:18:57 -06:00
2021-10-30 22:42:00 -05:00
proc parseDate(str: string): DateTime =
try: result = parseIso8601(str)
2021-11-07 07:18:57 -06:00
except: result = times.parse(str, NOTION_DATE_FORMAT)
2021-10-30 22:42:00 -05:00
## Utility functions for creating Page property values
## ---------------------------------------------------
2021-11-07 07:18:57 -06:00
proc makeDateProp*(d: Option[DateTime]): JsonNode =
if d.isSome: return %*{ "date": { "start": format(d.get, NOTION_DATE_FORMAT) } }
else: return %*{ "date": nil }
2021-10-30 22:42:00 -05:00
proc makeDateTimeProp*(d: Option[DateTime]): JsonNode =
if d.isSome: return %*{ "date": { "start": formatIso8601(d.get) } }
else: return %*{ "date": nil }
2021-11-07 07:18:57 -06:00
proc makeIntervalProp*(s: Option[DateTime], e: Option[DateTime]): JsonNode =
if not s.isSome: result = %*{ "date": nil }
result = %*{ "date": { "start": formatIso8601(s.get) } }
if e.isSome: result["date"]["end"] = %formatIso8601(e.get)
2021-10-30 22:42:00 -05:00
proc makeMultiSelectProp*(values: seq[string]): JsonNode =
2021-11-07 07:18:57 -06:00
if values.len == 0: return %*{ "multi_select": [] }
return %*{ "multi_select": values.mapIt(%*{ "name": it }) }
2021-10-30 22:42:00 -05:00
proc makeRelationProp*(ids: seq[string]): JsonNode =
2021-11-07 07:18:57 -06:00
if ids.len == 0: return %*{ "relation": [] }
return %*{ "relation": ids.mapIt(%*{ "id": it }) }
2021-10-30 22:42:00 -05:00
proc makeSelectProp*(value: string): JsonNode =
return %*{ "select": { "name": value } }
proc makeTextProp*(propType: string, value: string): JsonNode =
return %*{
propType: [
"type": "text",
"text": { "content": value }
## Utility functions for reading Page property values
## --------------------------------------------------
proc getPropNode(page: JsonNode, propType, propName: string): JsonNode =
result = page{"properties", propName, propType}
if isNil(result):
raise newException(ValueError,
"could not find a " & propType & " property named '" & propName &
"' in the Notion page (id: " & page["id"].getStr & ")")
proc getEmail*(page: JsonNode, propName: string): string =
let propNode = page.getPropNode("email", propName)
return propNode.getStr
proc getMultiSelect*(page: JsonNode, propName: string): seq[string] =
let propNode = page.getPropNode("multi_select", propName)
return propNode.getElems.mapIt(it["name"].getStr)
proc getPhone*(page: JsonNode, propName: string): string =
let propNode = page.getPropNode("phone_number", propName)
return propNode.getStr
proc getRelationIds*(page: JsonNode, propName: string): seq[string] =
let propNode = page.getPropNode("relation", propName)
return propNode.getElems.mapIt(it["id"].getStr)
proc getText*(page: JsonNode, propName: string): string =
let propNode = page.getPropNode("rich_text", propName)
if propNode.len == 0: return ""
return propNode[0]["plain_text"].getStr
proc getTitle*(page: JsonNode, propName: string): string =
let propNode = page.getPropNode("title", propName)
if propNode.len == 0: return ""
return propNode[0]["plain_text"].getStr
proc getSelect*(page: JsonNode, propName: string): string =
let propNode = page.getPropNode("select", propName)
if propNode.kind == JNull: return ""
return propNode["name"].getStr
proc getDateTime*(page: JsonNode, propName: string): Option[DateTime] =
let propNode = page.getPropNode("date", propName)
if propNode.kind == JNull: result = none[DateTime]()
else: result = some(parseDate(propNode["start"].getStr))
proc newNotionClient*(apiVersion, integrationToken: string): HttpClient =
return newHttpClient(headers = newHttpHeaders([
("Content-Type", "application/json"),
("Authorization", "Bearer " & integrationToken),
("Notion-Version", apiVersion)
], true))
proc fetchAllPages*(
http: HttpClient,
url: string,
bodyTemplate = %*{ "page_size": NOTION_MAX_PAGE_SIZE}): seq[JsonNode] =
result = @[]
var nextCursor: string = ""
while true:
let body = parseJson($bodyTemplate)
if not nextCursor.isEmptyOrWhitespace: body["start_cursor"] = %nextCursor
debug "Fetching pages from database:\n\tPOST " & url & "\n\t" & $body
let jsonResp = parseJson(http.postContent(url, $body))
result = result & jsonResp["results"].getElems
if jsonResp.hasKey("next_cursor") and jsonResp["next_cursor"].kind != JNull:
nextCursor = jsonResp["next_cursor"].getStr
if nextCursor.isEmptyOrWhitespace: break