SOURCES=$(wildcard src/*.nim) $(wildcard src/hff_entry_forms_apipkg/*.nim) # AWS Account URL for the ECR repository ECR_ACCOUNT_URL ?= # The port on the host machine (not the container) PORT ?= 8300 # The Notion integration token. AUTH_SECRET ?= 123abc VERSION ?=`git describe` default: serve-docker # Running the API locally on bare metal # ------------------------------------- hff_entry_forms_api: $(SOURCES) nimble build # Run the API on this machine. Note that configuration is taken by default # from the `hff_entry_forms_api.config.json` file, but environment variables # specified when running make can be used to override these (to change the # INTEGRATION_TOKEN, for example). serve: hff_entry_forms_api ./hff_entry_forms_api serve --debug # Run tests # --------- #unittest: # nim c -r src/unittest/nim/runner # #functest: DB_NAME = live_budget_test #functest: DB_CONFIG = test #functest: hff_entry_forms_api start-postgres # echo "\n--------" >> functest-api-server.log # ./hff_entry_forms_api serve --config hff_entry_forms_api.config.test.json >> functest-api-server.log & # -nim c -r src/functest/nim/runner "$(TEST_NAME)" # curl -s -X POST localhost:$(PORT)/api/v1/control/shutdown | jq . # db_migrate down -c database-$(DB_CONFIG).json # PGPASSWORD=password psql -p 5500 -U postgres -h localhost -c "DROP DATABASE $(DB_NAME);" # Building and deploying the API container image # ---------------------------------------------- # Build the container image. build-image: $(SOURCES) docker image build -t $(ECR_ACCOUNT_URL)/hff_entry_forms_api:$(VERSION) . # Push the container image to the private AWS ECR push-image: build-image docker push $(ECR_ACCOUNT_URL)/hff_entry_forms_api:$(VERSION) # Running locally in a container # -------------------------------------- # Run the API in a docker container. Note that the configuration loaded into # the Docker container defines very little of the actual configuration as # environment variables are used in the deployed environments. Accordingly, # we must specify them explicitly here. serve-docker: build-image docker run \ -e INTEGRATION_TOKEN=$(INTEGRATION_TOKEN) \ -e PORT=80 \ -p$(PORT):80/tcp \ $(ECR_ACCOUNT_URL)/hff_entry_forms_api:$(VERSION) # Utility # ------- # Authenticate docker to the AWS private elastic container repository. ecr-auth: aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $(ECR_ACCOUNT_URL) echo-vars: @echo \ " ECR_ACCOUNT_URL=$(ECR_ACCOUNT_URL)\n" \ "VERSION=$(VERSION)\n" \ "PORT=$(PORT)\n" \ "INTEGRATION_TOKEN=$(INTEGRATION_TOKEN)\n"