### Variables variable "environment" { description = "The short name of this deployed environment. For example: 'dev' or 'prod'. This short name will be used to name resources (CloudFront distributions, etc.)" } variable "artifact_bucket" { description = "The aws_s3_bucket object representing the artifact bucket where deployed artifacts, logs, etc. live." } variable "ecr_repo" { description = "ECR repository information." } variable "target_port" { description = "The port the deployed service will listen on." } variable "api_certificate_arn" { description = "ARN of the certificate to use for the API loadbalancer." } variable "cloudfront_certificate_arn" { description = "ARN of the certificate to use for CloudFront." } locals { environment_name = "HffEntryForms-${var.environment}" app_domain_name = "forms${var.environment == "prod" ? "" : "-${var.environment}"}.hopefamilyfellowship.com" api_domain_name = "forms-api${var.environment == "prod" ? "" : "-${var.environment}"}.hopefamilyfellowship.com" } data "external" "git_describe" { program = ["sh", "-c", "git describe | xargs printf '{\"version\": \"%s\"}'"] } data "terraform_remote_state" "jdbsoft" { backend = "s3" config = { bucket = "operations.jdb-software.com" region = "us-west-2" key = "terraform/operations.tfstate" dynamodb_table = "terraform-state-lock.jdb-software.com" } }